Recent Entries

  • Today to Day

    ' I don't have a problem with God per say, it's his fanclubs I've got the problem with'... Anon   I have been in a strange sort of reflective mood of just late, ponding life, the universe and everthing a tendency I do have, not that I'm any sort of philosopher, I don't know any Phils any...
  • The Future is Now!

    ' go beyond the stars to see what wonderments are out there.....'   Ok this blog, has nothing really to do with anything much, but I'm getting to that age were I'm starting to sound like Grampa Simpson, when I was a boy............   So imgaine 1975 ( for some of us...
  • RambleRanting

    "........ and the reflection staring back was a strangers face......"     Ok, well not sure were this one is going it might be the rambling of a complete idiot or the ranting of a mad person. Something odd happened, not sure what but it happen and as writing about helps me. I've de...
  • To be He or to be She?

    'The chioce we make are the paths we walk....'   "As I was b­ored I too­k the COGI­ATI test, ­I scored 1­30, classi­fication 4­, probable­ transsexu­al........­..... whic­h surprise­d me a bit­. Never re­ally consi­dered my s&sh...
  • Clothes make..........

    And she looked, and said in a loud voice " The King has no clothes on!"   As I stood today looking for Narnia in the back of my wardrode, it struck me. No, not a snowball. but a thought about the clothes hanging there. Realising that there is a 30/70 split between my male clothes and my femal...
  • Take a Picture

    Strange is the world with live in.   Well so where do I start? Take a picture of me and depending who I am you might get a a decent one. You see while I'm in male mode I hate my picture being taken and advoid getting in front of the lens at all costs. My mum says she only has half a dozen pho...
  • Me, Myself & Rachael - Part II

    'Hit me with that rhythm stick.....'   This may not be a 'correct' blog, but hey I'm not one for the convention of 'blogology' and as I've said before writting helps me, so here goes......   Me, Myself & Rachael The Outsider, The Dreamer and The Transvestite One, Two a...
  • From Geek to Chic

    These are the voyages of the starship Pink Kitty....   In my younger years I found solice in sci-fi, this is when it was still considered silly and childish. At school I was the geek, the nerd, the freak, the wierdo and anything else the in-crowd like to taunt our little group of social ...
  • Me, Myself & Rachael

    This blog is just going to be the ramblings a mad person waffling on about nothing, sorry. Through out my life I've manage to get very good at compartmentalising my life, home from work, family, social, my hobby from everything. I know it started at a young aged probably my early teens, ...
  • Sins of the Father

    In my recent excursions into 'bloglogy' entitled Random Stuff, I gave a brief history of me. Not very exiciting, but sometimes writing helps me think. Those of you read it (I do apologise for any nightmare you had afterwards) may have notice I failed to mention my Father in any those blogs. My fath...
  • Random Stuff IV

    The fourth album is always the fun one...let your hair with just a little bit of a serious side. So 2004, in my little flat and stash of clothes......what to do....yes I know thats obvious...huh....I confess all to my Sister. Ive always been close to my Sister and she does have a nice taste in...
  • Random Stuff III

    Well.....the third album, it has go a bit experimental even a bit darker, trying something different......... Well I hit the 90s not so much with a bang but more like a stumble, at this point I am going out with a girl, sort off the rebound, my true love of my 20s left...