Recent Entries

  • A Curse or a Blessing?

    This whole being trans is such a complete headfuck at times.  Being BiPolar doesnt actually make things any simpler but that in itself is a minor issue compared to being transgendered.   The main headfuck is this.  Its hard work emotionally.  Trans people experience much higher...
  • 'Coming Out' In True Chaos

    I love world cups me.  Not just for the football, but they always make you think what was I doing last world cup and maybe the one before.   The one before last I was happily sat watching Ronaldo getting Rooney sent off on the sofa with my long term girlfriend.    Last worl...
  • Labelling Photos As Adult

    Hi Trying to suss summat out here but I have uploaded 3 photos onto the main page and they have all been deleted.  Theres no moderators appear to be online so if they were out of order I should have gotten away with it.  I have also posted on the main page asking why my pics keep getting ...
  • A Grenade in the 'TG' Applecart

    I think maybe its time I painted a grenade red, superguled a couple of leaves to it, took the pin out, then stuck it in an applecart and waited not to long for a TG halfwit to pick it up, try and take a bite and then booooooom...... suddenly their face looks so much better :)   I have got so ...
  • Dear Transtastic

    Before I start - here is a genuine disclaimer.  I really like this website and the team that run it.     Its however started getting a bit samey. Seriously we got the crowd who offer nothing except 'liking' pictures.  Its their 'contributions' which seem to make up the main fee...
  • RIP Drummer Lee Rigby

    Just got this on Facebook and WOW!     Just out for a walk after an early stackNot looking for trouble, not watching my backMothers with prams holding hands with their kidsNot paying attention to the car as it skidsCaught completely off guard not expecting what comesOne man with a knife...
  • A profile of mine on another 'site'...

    TV/TS in High Wycombe, South East, UK    If you are a sexual or social inadequate please don't waste your time mailing probably don't realise you are either of those so i will give you a couple of helpful pointers:     * Dreadful spelling   * A cock shot,...
  • Tragic Trannys / Arsehole Admirers

    basically I'm just asking a question - so its not a blog as such...I am just enquiring as to what traits a tranny or admirer might have that are annoying...setreotyping is fine as are generalisations...dont worry I've come up with a load already as you can imagine, but I need more - so can you help ...
  • Loner

    Someone that likes being alone, and is happy with what they are. Often called freaks because the general population is too thinkheaded to understand the phrase "leave me the fuck alone"
  • Porn On Transtastic

    I dont watch porn TBH i'd rather drown in a puddle of my own vomit - however I do sex shows.  Its what I do.  It doesn't turn me on in the slightest and am on daily meds to get my bits to work - otherwise my shows would be even more shite than they already are.     On this site...
  • 50 Shades Of Chav

    "As he approached with those pasty white arms hanging out of his Gola vest, his smile told me it was benefit day and I knew my velour tracksuit would be hanging off the lamp shade tonight."   "It was Dwayne's birthday. I was preparing his special tea of Findus Crispy Pancakes and Pot Noodle. ...
  • My Grand Day Oat

    Up at 7am - that sucks.  Raining - that sucks.  Bus 15 minutes late - that sucks. Bus driver decides not to stop at the bus stop - that sucks.  Got drenched walking to the next bus stop - that sucks.  Train fare £29 - that sucks.   Then the day got better. Train conn...