My Grand Day Oat

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    Up at 7am - that sucks.  Raining - that sucks.  Bus 15 minutes late - that sucks. Bus driver decides not to stop at the bus stop - that sucks.  Got drenched walking to the next bus stop - that sucks.  Train fare £29 - that sucks.


    Then the day got better. Train connections awesome - in hammersmith by 9.30am.  Met long term ex gf and went to whetherspoons for a nice early morning pint.  After that start to the day I needed it.  Got times wrong for gender clinic appointment by half hour so went to the cafe for a fried brekkie.  Appointments running late in by 11.20.  Consultation was fucking hilarious.  The lady interviewing me was giggling all the way through, so was my ex gf thankfully given what she had to listen to, but she'd heard most of it before.  Phone went during interview - STI clinic - all clear - result.  So all in all it was quite an enjoyable experience.  I was questioned however about my appearance.  Fitted tracksuit top, hot trendy womens jeans and trainers.  No wig.  No makeup, just subtle nail varnish.  It was pointed out that if someone saw me in the street they wouldnt think for 1 minute i was transgered, I just look androgynous.  When asked why I wore those clothes I said I want to look cool.  I am who I am regardless of the packaging.  I refuse to wear frumpy clothes.  I never wear heels unless in bed or for photographs or both lol.  And I dont feel its necessary to fit to any stereotype.  Thats fine apparently.  She was just concerned I didnt have the confidence to dress in a certain way - met with laughter from my ex saying confidence with all this is one issue I dont have.


    So all in all good fun.  I got to talk about me for nearly an hour and a half - great stuff. So back to the pub another pint.  Train to covent garden, another 6 pints in the sun, watching the street performers who were hilarious - they seemed to get funnier the more I drank.  Then obligatory trip to a couple of gay pubs in soho where some bloke put his hand down the back of my jeans and in my knickers - told him if he did it again I would snap his fingers right off.  Few sambukas.  Few more pints.  Said bye to ex.  Missed train - had to wait half hour - another pint.  Arrived back in Wycombe - gay bar - 1 pint.  Taxi to local - 4 pints.  Home and bed.  Great day out.  However today I feel like shit.  And I went and ruined things by getting so drunk, that I only discovered just now after getting out of the bath, that I obviously thought my knicker drawer was a toilet whilst sleep walking last nite.  Gross.  Enough said.

  • Mia Wallace hardcore till I die, which thankfully shouldnt be too far into the not so distant future
  • Jet Alexis Armstrong Hey gorgeous you,ve got everything to live for , dont think like that , your young , hot and sexy and we want to keep hold of you for many years to come , big hugs Jet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Pauline Smith Gemma, I agree with jet - you have everything to live for. I am sending you a private message . Hugs Pauline xxxx
  • Deleted Member sending hugs from annie and chloe hope you feel a little better after a good nights sleeps xx