A Curse or a Blessing?

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    This whole being trans is such a complete headfuck at times.  Being BiPolar doesnt actually make things any simpler but that in itself is a minor issue compared to being transgendered.


    The main headfuck is this.  Its hard work emotionally.  Trans people experience much higher chances of succumbing to drink and drug abuse (check!) which is totally understandable and a 70% increased chance of suicide (uncheck!). And thats not even mentioning the abuse and hostiity you can receive from complete strangers (check!).

    I really wouldnt wish being born this way on my worst enemy.

    However on the flip side, a lot of the time I wander round feeling blessed being this way.  Good god, how lucky I am I feeling this lovely now and looking this great (well at least I do in my circus mirrors I've had installed).  The positive attention I get from women now is unbelievable - everytime I go out I usually end up with a couple of tarty additions to my facebook.  Shame I'm a bender and shame this didnt seem to happen when i was roaring round in stone island clobber with tramlines shaved in to the front of my head.


    So I guess what I am trying to say is, well trying to ask i guess, is.....what are your views on being TG.


    Is this shit a curse, a blessing or both and why?


    Answers on the back of a postcard please, sent to the usual address

  • Deleted Member I know its bloody hard at times Gemma. Just tried to stop again to to enable me to try & get my head sorted. Can get so tied up with it at times. Lasted three months & here I am again. Really don't know....
  • Rachael Louise Blanche Once I got passed the guilt (and being an ex-catholic that's a lot guilt), and started to 'love' myself I really enjoy being a tranny, plus that black dog called depression doesn't get hold of me so much these days and I'm enjoying life, cus as my old...  more
  • Elizabeth (Liz) Arlington-Lee I think if i'm categorising myself, I would have to be just a crossdresser. Well, i say just - i love being a guy, living as a guy but love dressing as a women, when I can. I'm one of the lucky one's who has an accepting wife and from time to time will...  more
  • Mia Wallace innit