A Grenade in the 'TG' Applecart

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    I think maybe its time I painted a grenade red, superguled a couple of leaves to it, took the pin out, then stuck it in an applecart and waited not to long for a TG halfwit to pick it up, try and take a bite and then booooooom...... suddenly their face looks so much better


    I have got so many issues with so many TG's outlook on things its really starting to bother me


    So where the fuck do i start.........



    1.  Circus Mirrors


    So you have left your house dressed in the clothes of the opposite sex? Well done.  Tres Bien.  Who's a clever boy/girl.  Because you have done this and you look like an utter car crash of a human being does not make you cool.  Stick photos of yourself on your 'real' facebook.  I'm sure the comments that come back on your facebook dont reflect what you see in the mirror.  They certainly wont reflect the comments you get on TG websites


    2.  The Blind Leading The Blind


    Advice.  Don't bother.  Until you have sorted yourself out, aesthetically and emotionally you are in no position to advise others - unless you think its acceptable to put fucked up ideals in other vulnerable peoples heads


    3.  Support


    'My wife wouldnt understand.'  Wanking into a pair of her tights when shes getting the groceries from Tesco is just plain weird.  Deviancy if you like.  When you exchanged vows in front of your family and hers on that proud day, you failed to mention this.  Now you come on the internet asking for support? You don't deserve her.


    4.  50 years old Dressing In Public Dressed Like a Sex Mad Teenager


    You think its wrong that people point, stare and whisper?  Maybe you should seek professional help.


    5.  Dressing As A Woman Makes You A Sage


    No it doesn't.  You are Still the same boring, tedious individual you were born as.


    6.  I Am Trapped In the Wrong Body


    No.  You have fucked your life up as a man - you wont be any less of as a fuck up as a woman


    7.  Online Attention Seeking


    Desperate for someone to tell you how gorgeous you are?  Its easy online.  But lets face it you aren't.




    To be honest I cannot be bothered to think any more.  But some of you lot need a right good reality check.  I don't like people because they are TG.  I like people because they are people that I like regardless.  I wouldnt even give people advice on makeup which I am now very talented at, let alone anything else. Some people on this scene are plain smug because they have travelled further down the path than the average weasel whacking HPW, when really they are just boring, tedious, unaesthetically pleasing retards.  Yes it bothers me.  I'm not going to name names.  I dont need to.  Yu know who you are.  And if this blog pisses you off?  Tough!  It means I have hit a nerve.  Bullseye.  Being TG is not all about petticoats, photoshopped pics and being worshipped by sexual inadequates.  Thats a small part of it.  The rest of it is very trying.  Unglamorous even.  Its about being you.  Understanding YOURSELF.  Thats a big ask.  Its an ask I havent got to grips with.  But.......If you are that halfwitted you think that you are at the pinnacle of self actualisation whereby you can come on the net and give 'expert' advice to morons you need to knock on your next door neighbours and ask for their opinion.