Labelling Photos As Adult

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    Trying to suss summat out here but I have uploaded 3 photos onto the main page and they have all been deleted.  Theres no moderators appear to be online so if they were out of order I should have gotten away with it.  I have also posted on the main page asking why my pics keep getting deleted. 

    I havent had a response, so I thought I'd try this method of communication and also find out what peoples views were on what should and should not be marked as adult.  Obviously waving your weasel about is not acceptable as its not something everyone wants to look at.  However I am trying to understand the top half of your body and the rules that apply. 


    Now if as many fellas do on here post pictures of their bare chest it is deemed as acceptable.  Fair enough.  But I stuck the above picture up and it got removed.  Surely if a fella can show a photo of his torso marked as non adult then surely the same rules apply to me?


    Yes I am being a litlle bit 'look at me i've got tits growing' which was the point of my original post, but I would like to know why if its appropriate for fellas to show off a bit of torso, its not appropriate for me.


    Any feedback from all and sundry please