Porn On Transtastic

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    I dont watch porn TBH i'd rather drown in a puddle of my own vomit - however I do sex shows.  Its what I do.  It doesn't turn me on in the slightest and am on daily meds to get my bits to work - otherwise my shows would be even more shite than they already are.  


    On this site I have my adult filter on and it works by and large.   To be fair hairy panty wearers aint my thing BUT I have nothing against them.  They are enjoying themselves.  Feeling release.  Thats up to them.  I personally dont want to see it and subsequently I dont seem to on here because all the necessary tools are in place.  Others however may enjoy that sort of thing and if this site enables people with those types of interests to get together online and have 'fun' well fair fucking play in my eyes.  


    This 'scene' really cracks me up at times.  We have people saying 'we are all trans we suffer enough discrimination at the hands of ignorant pigs in society - we should all stick together'.  I however do not echo those sentiments.  A certain percentage of people who come out with this argument are sometimes amongst those who turn their noses up at our hairy panty wearing brothers and sisters (they are part of this scene to whether you like it or not so please get used to it).  Oh the irony.  As far as I'm concerned if someone is trans I couldn't care less one way or the other.  If they are a twat they are a twat - if they're boring and tedious, well I couldn't give a shit if they're wearing a dress or not.  I'm not interested in them.  I like people - regardless of sexual orientation, the clothes they wear, how they perceive themselves gender wise or even which football team they support (unless its newcastle obviously).  I like people for who they are not what they are.  Personally I've had my second report come through from the GIC and them guys fink me iz transsexual and I've been blood tested for hormones.  HOWEVER you don't catch me banging on about it on here like I am now somehow superior to everyone else that hasn't taken this shit as far as I have.  Its irrelevant.  I'm just a person.  The same person I was before I realised that people want to pay a lot of money to sleep with me watch me on cam etc.  Dont get me wrong I'm as Narcissistic as the next tranny (and I see nothing wrong with that word either - tranny not narcissistic lol - and I will use it whenever I wish) but thats standard.  Some people on here need to take a rain check.  A real close look at themselves.  I am quite fed up at some of the stuffy attitudes towards others and their interests displayed by some.  The misplaced sense of self importance.  We are all just people.  None of us are the same.  Some of us like a laugh and a joke.  If the jokes offend you dont read any future posts.  I think some need to remember this before they go judging this that and the third thing about others and realise that maybe its ok for some to have fun in the way they want to so long as no one gets hurt (unless its some kinky bdsm shit* in which case hurt away lol).  


    I didnt join this site for support.  I am lucky enough not to need it although I do appreciate others do and I'm glad they get it.  I didnt join this site to dish out advice - as I'm no transgendered guru.  I joined this site for one reason and one reason only - to have fun.  Isnt a little bit of fun and laughter what some people look for in their spare time?


    I might be wrong but in my view this site was designed to facilitate the whole spectrum of this scene.  The sex stuff goes on unnoticed on the whole - its not in your face.  


    So whats the problem?




  • Deleted Member Here, here well said girl!!!!!!!!!
  • Deleted Member Well said !!!..... and the BDSM thing doesn't need to hurt, there is such a thing as sensual play, but I hope people take note of some very valid points made xxx
  • Deleted Member Hmmm. Very poignant and unfortunatly something that need be to said. Every social site I am on is this way in one way or another. The TG community wants Inclusion and Acceptence from society, yet seems to seperate into groups and clicks within it's own...  more
  • Deleted Member congrats on the GIC news