September 12, 2011 5:13 PM BST
Hi Krystal,
Thanks for the comments; its always useful to get ones from RGs.
Did you mean the book by Joy Terri?
or the one by Leigh Toselli
Both are called "The Make Up Book"
Maybe you could put some tips of your own here, but can you please use standard English and not textspeak.
hugs Pauline xxx
September 12, 2011 5:15 PM BST
na the one im talking about the make up book is from sally norton x
September 12, 2011 5:16 PM BST
oki hun will talk english im so used to text talk x
September 12, 2011 5:23 PM BST
The sally norton one didnt appear in the google search i did, so thanks for recommending it specifically.
What I did find was someone who recommended a whole series of make up guides, including for Asian and Afro Caribbean as well as Caucasian skins
September 12, 2011 5:29 PM BST
hears a basic bit of advise for finding your right foundation that fits in the shop you normally get testers pick 3 or more and put a dab on your cheek and blend in witch one that disapears and blends in with your skin is the one you want
September 12, 2011 5:30 PM BST
heres one more tip for blusher if you have blonde hair and cool skin you should use baby pink colours
September 12, 2011 5:32 PM BST
warm skin blonde hair is tawny pink
dark hair cool skin cool rose
black hair dark skin terracotta
September 12, 2011 5:35 PM BST
One of the problems for Tgirls is that we have to apply beard cover or a base to start with; so its very a very different starting point than from you.
Maybe you could summarize some tips and write a blog? Or make Krystals tips here or create different forum topic with that as a heading. I can help get that going. If you just post 25 tips here on this thread in one go it will be overwhelming.
hugs Pauline xxx
September 12, 2011 5:39 PM BST
right concealer tip do not go for darker one go for the colour nearst to your own skin tone
September 12, 2011 5:40 PM BST
there is 3 types of concealer sticks,cream,liquid
September 12, 2011 5:42 PM BST
STICKS: they are easy to apply they have a thick consistency to cover hard problems stoke them straight on the skin
September 12, 2011 5:43 PM BST
CREAM:there not a thick as a the stick but do have a natural finsh
September 12, 2011 5:47 PM BST
LIQUID : all u need is a tiny amount and smooth it ove the areas that is the problems the best one to get in my opion is the ceam to powder concealer when it drys it goes into a powder
September 13, 2011 7:25 PM BST
Here is a Q & A session with Salli Hughes the Guardian beauty lady. Have a read there are lots of nuggets in there for girls with panda eyes, poor skin and BIG pores ( lots of us)
September 14, 2011 7:53 AM BST
This is an old site but the tips are still good.
September 24, 2011 7:39 AM BST
Autumn Colours......more recommendations from Sali Hughes and her readers
This post was edited by Pauline Smith at September 24, 2011 7:39 AM BST