November 25, 2015 7:06 PM GMT
madam sin said: ''Of course you should use the gender you relate to as long as you consider yourself a female 24/7 you are living as a woman and should use the loos that women use. I wear trousers but cant use the mens, out a couple of weeks ago and the female loos were packed and strangely all the trans i was out with went to the mens in a gay club in Glasgow, ooh and could the women use the mens? No! turned away''
I don't see how much time of the day you spend dressed as the other gender has to do with it myself, as that has no bearing on how much you feel you identify as the other gender, not all people have the luxury of dressing as the other gender 24/7 for example. The way i see it, if you identify as or dressed or look like the other gender when your there, you should use that genders toilet in my opinion, its pretty clear to me anyway.
As for the other way around, i would have no problems with ftm CD's/TS's using the mens toilet, as long as they use a cubicle, like mtf's would in the ladies, purely out of courtesy.
This post was edited by Emily B at November 25, 2015 7:09 PM GMT
November 26, 2015 6:57 PM GMT
Madam Sin,
Several places in Manchester's Gay Village have unisex loos, like Via. When I'm out and about as Pauline in Bury or manchester then i always use the ladies - as yet I have never had a problem
In countries like France many loos are unisex; to me this is a non issue. I always sit down anyway when having a pee - as in fact do about 60% plus of German men ( dont ask me to prove that please)
Pauline xxx
November 26, 2015 7:56 PM GMT
Even though I've got tits i dont piss through them. I have however got a winky so I go to the winky room. Thats either me being traditional and old fashioned or me being a cunt. I think men find it more confusing stood up having a piss in the urinal next to me than a woman would seeing me walk into a cubicle.
November 27, 2015 4:46 AM GMT
Mx Ashley said: ''Even though I've got tits i dont piss through them. I have however got a winky so I go to the winky room. Thats either me being traditional and old fashioned or me being a cunt. I think men find it more confusing stood up having a piss in the urinal next to me than a woman would seeing me walk into a cubicle.''
Be careful they don't turn and piss all over you then
November 27, 2015 4:47 PM GMT
Mx Ashley said: ''Even though I've got tits i dont piss through them. I have however got a winky so I go to the winky room. Thats either me being traditional and old fashioned or me being a cunt. I think men find it more confusing stood up having a piss in the urinal next to me than a woman would seeing me walk into a cubicle.''
I didn't think you was talking about boobs when you was talking about what private bits you have when referring to going to the toilet lol
I just don't think what sexual organ you have down below has anything to do with what toilet you should use, personally. To me its about more how you feel and are presenting yourself at that time. As you said, you appear more out of place dressed en femme in the men's, than you would in the ladies in your feminine appearance, so i believe its just a case of using the toilet that's the most appropriate with that in mind. It is a tough one though, because people have different views and opinions on this, which is why i think its a very good topic for discussion definitely
This post was edited by Emily B at November 27, 2015 4:56 PM GMT
December 20, 2015 8:11 PM GMT
Why would you use the gents whilst presenting as female ?
December 27, 2015 8:06 PM GMT
My first experience came after Sparkle while at the train station. Such was my need to go, that any sense of which toilets to use had to be made quickly. It was easy, as going in to the men's toilets would have been inconceivable. I realise that now, but at the time I did wonder if I would be noticed. I believe it wasn't, but could be wrong, as without glasses my vision is very poor, so I can't see if there's any negative reaction, which helps.
January 24, 2016 8:46 PM GMT
Well I'm a lady 24/7... So I use the ladies' room. :o
February 20, 2016 3:42 PM GMT
I purchased a radar key so I can use disabled toilets if they are locked. Other than that I use the men's.
February 21, 2016 12:39 PM GMT
.....I had to go visit a surgeon yesterday prior to some surgery, (no, not that kind of surgery yet) and had gotten my hand "sticky" on something on the counter while signing in. I knew they'd make me undress for the exam, so I just wore normal shorts, a polo shirt, and flip-flops to make it was summer....
I had on NO make-up or jewelry on of ANY kind, so I thought I should use the "mens" room. BOY was I WRONG! I was just finishing washing my hands, door opens, a guy glances at me, runs out, door opens again, he says and I quote: "Maam, do you realize this is the MENS room"?
I feigned surprise! "It IS? OMG" and ran out past him saying, "sorry".....
I was bent over the sink and my shirt was leaning forward so he couldn't have seen my boobs!
February 21, 2016 1:20 PM GMT
That's why i wouldn't use the men's Marcie

It would be weirder and i'd feel more out of place using the men's than the ladies.
February 21, 2016 3:44 PM GMT
Emily Foster said: ''That's why i wouldn't use the men's Marcie

It would be weirder and i'd feel more out of place using the men's than the ladies.''
February 21, 2016 11:12 PM GMT
Ladies only...I Triple dog Dare anyone to "call" me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The question of which restroom to use has no pure black and white answer IMHO. I AM a woman, though I have not had surgery, however as a woman I am sensitive to how a woman feels. I do not wish to make someone uncomfortable by my actions. I personally feel more at ease using the ladies room. It the restrooms in a particular establishment are single use then it really doesn't matter but I still prefer to use the ladies room.
If I feel that I will cause discomfort to other women (yes other women, again I AM a woman) I may decide to use the mens room which does, I feel, put me at risk. It is definitely something I feel personally is a situational choice and depending on where I am and what is going on I may make a different one.
Confusing? That would be me!
I use the women's restroom 10/10 times.
Always the Ladies...... unless its queuing out the door, in which case I've used the mens with attitude (but only a cubicle of course!)
Well, I have gotten weird looks in the past for using the ladies room.. and then that one faithful day happened when I walked in and a lady made a huge deal I was in there.. Ever since I have used the men's bathroom and never had a problem since.I now feel way more comfortable when I have to use a public bathroom.
June 2, 2017 11:02 PM BST
I don't feel comfortable enough yet using the ladies room out in public. Since I am just starting out, even when I do dress in public, I just hold it till I get home. It has only been an issue once and that was the first time I went out in public dressed. Frolicon, I don't think it mattered either way to most people there, but I wasn't comfortable using it.
Usually i never use public bathroom, but as far as i remembrer i've always used the ladies room, and i've never been out dressed in public

I don't feel comfortable using the man's room, they disgust me x)
I've read most of the above comments - as a gender fluid person, I use the loos of the gender I am representing at the time. I have never had a crossed word or negative comment when dressed as a female using the ladies. In fact more often than not I have been complemented on my appearance and behavior. If there is a queue, I join it and wait, standing up 1 leg straight the other slightly bent at the knee or 1 leg straight and the other crossed over, NOT SLOUCHING AGAINST THE WALL. Then go into a cubicle and SIT DOWN to pee, adjust my attire, leave cubicle, wash hands and leave.
June 12, 2017 9:51 AM BST
Female toilets for me though have occasionally used the disabled - I know I know, naughty me
June 12, 2017 12:58 PM BST
I tend to dress unisex bordering on feminine daily, so if I'm somewhere I feel is open minded, I'll use the ladies, if I'm somewhere I'd class as a mans club/pub or the clientele look like a bunch of yobs then I'd use the mens, though personally I'd only be there for 1 coke, loo then out.
Now if I was out for a night out fully dressed up, then definitely be the ladies I'd use, and if I was alone I'd be at a lez club if possible.
Learned many years ago to use the butch femme look to my advantage.
My advice is though, do what you think will bring you the less trouble..