December 18, 2012 10:58 PM GMT
Why do I dress?
In truth, I don't really have one definitive answer. I started at about aged 5 or 6 with my little sisters clothes and never really stopped. For what purpose? It has served many from as a form of disguise to just allowing me to feel and appear more feminine. So did I do it to feel feminine at age 5? I really couldn't say, I just can't remember. I am in therapy now and am picking through it all and can honestly say that I couldn't stop doing it , I have tried and managed a maximum of about two years!
If have to give answers they would be as follows;
Because I can, I doesn't hurt anyone.
Because, When challenged, I sometimes reply "because it fucks with your head".
Because it makes me feel good, happy.
I want to feel more feminine.
Because I want to be accepted as a woman (well its a nice idea).
Sometimes because I am unhappy with who I am.
Looking at the above, reading between the lines, you could say that maybe I'm a little selfish, confrontational, I am maybe trans, I am I said, no definitive answer, but I will keep searching.
Stella xxx
This post was edited by Deleted Member at December 20, 2012 2:19 AM GMT
December 19, 2012 9:57 PM GMT
Why do i dress coz im a tranny lol xxx
no seriously im not sure really i always have since the age of 5 i remember the first time in may aunties bath room it felt so right and i was happy and have done it ever since and would be 24/7 if i could xxx
December 20, 2012 2:18 AM GMT
Nicely put Amy. I have a feeling that there won't be any firm answers here. We all seem to have different journeys, but different stories. I have realised that we are (or should be) here for each other, in support, but our journys are different! I feel priviliged to be part of this sort of messed up journey xxx
Wished I'd realised earlier, but no regrets.
Stella xxxx
December 20, 2012 6:16 AM GMT
aw im glad you are here now stella
and i will say it again (high school musical)
All together now
"We're All In This Together" xxxxx
December 20, 2012 8:01 AM GMT
I blame Sir Tim Berners Lee.
Why couldn't he have invented the internet in the 60s so that I hadn't felt like the only caramel penny in a box of Roses?
Lazy. That's what it is: Lazy.
December 20, 2012 5:02 PM GMT
<blockquote><strong><a href="/se4/profile/Stella">Stella Galore</a> said:</strong><br />Nicely put Jen. Was really nice to meet you the other night, you looked great :-) xxx</blockquote><br />
Thanks Stella hugg

xx I finally have laptop Access, not just phone!
Well, I managed to get to be my self yesterday at The Gatehouse, and loved
it, then just sighed and teary when having become a guy, seriously, can't wwait till the new year, see the Doctor, and drop this on them, once I secure I my own place!
But the more I am as Jennifer, the happier I am, It's the only time I really do feel a !00% with my self, and so... Doctors talk it over new years! xx
December 20, 2012 7:53 PM GMT
Why do I dress.
Gave up years ago wondering why, but i do know that being dressed makes me much happier and content person. (Mrs Mandy says it also stops me being a grumpy oap lol )
December 21, 2012 1:23 AM GMT
My reasons for CDing are self-interestingly mixed. The ideal -- as sci-fi B-movie as it sounds -- would be a perfectly balanced gender identity -- i.e. I would possess both a male and female persona, and would choose which one I was based on the day's requirements, or whims, even. And the possession of that daily choice would be the norm, as we would all have that choice. Things could get tricky down the line, of course, if the female persona was biologically capable of giving birth.
Not sure where I'm going with this, but I'm sure it would make for an interesting movie one day.
January 1, 2013 12:32 PM GMT
I dress as i find it good fun, love the transformation from boy to girl and the chance to dress in sexy clothes and high heel shoes. Shopping as a girl is so much more fun and going out to bars and clubs is fun as a girl too.
January 1, 2013 1:39 PM GMT
I did an awful lot of research on this very question and there are apparently 400 reasons why, and the top 3 are...1, it turns me on,2, i like the feeling of the material, 3 i like to look in the morror. Hmm but iv yet to find my reason and its because i want to mirror image what i like to see and what turns me on. Hence the reason i think why a lot of gurls want the slutty look. Along with this im very in touch with my feme side and yes when i stand up in my heels its like a breath of fresh air and i feel sad when they have to come off.
January 2, 2013 5:09 AM GMT
I dress simply because it is truly the best expression of my reality of who I really am. Style of expression and truth in reality. Also when I am dressed a feeling of calmness comes over me, because Icouldn't be happier any other way. xo Kristine
January 2, 2013 7:57 AM GMT
Been thinking about this for some time. It comes down to the feeling I have when I'm dressed of being at one with myself and my world. I become calm and totally secure in myself. I don't have to even try to compete. When in drab I can touch this world when with others but when dressed it is all enveloping. Do I get tuned on when I dress, no unless I'm being chatted up.
I know something happens when I'm dressed as I have had a male friend tell me he could see this while taking my photos.
January 6, 2013 1:11 AM GMT
Why do I dress as a woman? For the same reason any woman does - it is the expression of my inner feminine self and soul. The inconvenience of not having a body that is congruent with this is something I want to change and I hope a certain GIC will help me with! All I can say is that presenting as a man makes me feel like a ghost - the body I'm in is not mine but by wrapping it in feminine clothes I can be alive and when I take them off I feel like something in me is dying.
July 28, 2013 7:29 PM BST
Like the feel of the nylon and lacy and feel more like a person feminine and masculine
Only live once make the best of both world and I feel great when men look at me , can't wait for the next stage
July 29, 2013 9:38 PM BST
For me it's just the way I feel most comfortable when I look at my reflection. I try to work out and stay fit but the only time I really appreciate the effort is when it means I can fit into something a little bit more slinky
July 30, 2013 4:47 PM BST
Added to putting make up and a lovely soft wig on dressing makes me feel happy and free. I'm a much better person more patient more tolerant and accepting. But I didn't know that when I started my journey. I dress because of a need in me which was fuelled by having a full choice of clothes because I have two older sisters. It was easy to fulfill my need and once I tried it I could not stop. Not that I have ever really wanted to. Kelly xx