November 7, 2011 4:34 PM GMT
Having read the interesting comments above here's my experiences with breast enlargement. Firstly the pills that are widely sold on the likes of ebay don't have any effect, well they didn't on me and I was on them for almost a year. I've also tried fenugreek for around a year with I think some enlargement.
There is a breast suction system called the BRAVA system, where there's two plastic cups and an electric pump to maintain the vacuum. You have to have these cups on for 10 hours a day for 10 weeks for any results, and it ain't cheap. The last time I looked it was around £1000 for the cups and pump.For more info Google Brava breast pumps. I managed to find these cups with a hand pump as I wasn't prepared to pay a £1000 at the time. Having to hand pump meant that I couldn't have the vacuum cups on for more than a couple of hours. With the Brava system you sleep with them on, the only way you can have it on for 10 hours. I've never used hormones as I've felt that the possible increased chance of breast cancer wasn't worth the risk. I fully appreciate those that wish to fully feminise themselves, hormones is the way to go. That route was never an option for me. But I suppose the best way to get those tits we all seek is silicone ones on the outside. I've added a pic or two on my profile in a bra, judge for yourselves. xxxx
November 7, 2011 5:14 PM GMT
Boots are promoting a new product "Nip + Fab's Bust Fix. Does anyone know anything about it?
Pauline xxx
November 7, 2011 8:02 PM GMT
Does it work on your ass and hips???? LOL xxx
November 8, 2011 7:34 AM GMT
Not sure if it works in other areas...reminds me of a joke about asses, boobs and loo paper
Pauline xxx
November 8, 2011 6:29 PM GMT
if fenugreek is so good why do RGs have implants? well its because they cannot wait long for the thing to happen but if you use Pueraria Mirifica do things happen iam a 36 b now and still growing well this is all in 3 months but i was on fenugreek and red clover for 6 to 8 months and was just under a A cup
This post was edited by carol pink at November 8, 2011 6:45 PM GMT
November 9, 2011 7:28 PM GMT
Ok, I have some Nip & Fab Bust Fix LOL It stinks, so it must be good! My moobs tingle! I sooo want to try it on my ass too LOL
November 9, 2011 8:12 PM GMT
long term breast enlargement programe,stan facing the edge of an open door,the palms of each hand either side of the door at breast height push palms together with door between and hold [saying i must improve my bust] do this 20 times increasing more each day ...
November 9, 2011 8:15 PM GMT
Wanna buy some magic beans too?

November 9, 2011 8:19 PM GMT
its called dynamic tension ,and it works x
November 9, 2011 10:46 PM GMT
Here is some dynamic tension - errrrr speaking as a lesbian anyway - but purely from a scientific medical viewpoint check this
November 9, 2011 10:48 PM GMT
On the other hand you can do it yourself and buy your own powder from ebay 100% pure puerariamirifica for a considerable amount less but then you would not get a chance to see how to do it!!!
November 9, 2011 10:50 PM GMT - here's a video about Males breast development
November 10, 2011 12:35 AM GMT
i agree with julie and nicky on the inside as i lve 24/7 female and would feel more fem yipeeeeeeeeeeee xxx
November 10, 2011 1:53 AM GMT
I would dearly love to have implants. I love the thought of having my own real breasts. However, as I am closeted, I am not able to do so

So the best I can do is to use padding and inserts to try and mimic the look and the feeling