Recent Entries

  • J. Michael Bailey - "The Man who would be Queen:

      J. Michael Bailey's book, "The Man who would be Queen: The Science of Gender Bending and Transsexualism" has disrupted the lives of transgendered persons and the lives of mental health professionals who work with them. Some psychologists question the truthfulness of their transgendered clients....
  • Heteronormativity

    Most people have a clearly defined sex:For most, but not all people, their sex may be defined in terms of any one of the following three factors: Their genetic or biological sex: Every cell in a person's body contains sex chromosomes that determine a person's genetic sex. In almost all cases, these ...
  • How UK law works - an interesting article

    Posted by Cristine Shye. BL   April 17, 2011 2:04 pm BST  1 comment   967 views An Example of Judicial Precedent R versus John Matthews The ruling which confirmed that vaginal rape of a transsexual woman may be prosecuted as rape October 1996 This important and under-report...
  • Gender Variant People

    Many anomalies such as AIS  (Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) can arise causing inconsistent development between the various elements by which we know ourselves to be either a man or a women. Among the larger group embracing all these varieties, there is a small subgroup of individuals who experienc...
  • How does the two-gender system impact you?

    For most of the six-billion people who occupy this planet few things in our ever evolving lives are completely static, completely unchanging and rigid. Hardly ever do we give second thought to the things we believe are static and cannot change, but are we correct in assuming that anything in our lif...
  • Joke

    Religion, do I need it Whilst the current thread is religion thought i would add this.I once got religion, dragged Cass to our local church, We underwent an interview on suitability for acceptance. Pastor asked us a lot of intimate and personal questions, could see he was getting quite excited ...
  • A trannys prayer

    Oh lord, Please give me the serenity to accept that which I cannot change. The tenacity and courage to change the things I cannot accept Give me the guile and fortitude to conceal succesfully the bodies of the people I killed today for pissing me off. Keep me mindful wonderrous god,, not to tread...