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    Most people have a clearly defined sex:For most, but not all people, their sex may be defined in terms of any one of the following three factors: 

    Their genetic or biological sex: Every cell in a person's body contains sex chromosomes that determine a person's genetic sex. In almost all cases, these are XX chromosomes for females, and XY for males. 

    Their gender identity: This involves their "internal sense of being either male or female." 

    Their physiological gender: The genitalia of the vast majority of newborns are clearly either male or female, and remain so throughout life. Their appearance determines the sex that they are assigned at birth. 
    The vast majority of people are cisgendered: they will mature with their biological sex, gender identity and physiological gender in harmony. For example, for a typical woman: 

    Each cell in a her body will contain 46 chromosomes including a pair of XX sex chromosomes -- commonly written 46,XX. 
    She will identify as a female. By the age of one, she might show a preference for more feminine-typical toys. By age three she will probably have a definite sense of being a boy or girl. By age five, she will "... come to believe that sex is unchanging with time. This is the point at which many people think that a child's gender identity becomes fully established and fixed. Then all the child's energy seems to focus on adopting behaviors consistent with that sex." 
    Her genitals and internal reproductive organs will be female. 

    Some people do not have a clearly defined sex: 
    Not every person fits neatly into the binary female/male system. There are many exceptions. 

    Consider what genetic or biological sex can involve: 
    Rarely, a newborn will have 45 chromosomes including only one X sex chromosome referred to as 45,X. Other forms of DNA are 47/XXX, 48/XXXX, 49/XXXXX, 47/XYY, 47/XXY, 48/XXXY, 49.XXXXY, or 49/XXXYY. 

    Some newborns have different numbers of chromosomes in different cells within their bodies. This can be caused by complications in early cell division at the pre-embryo stage. When multiple sex chromosomes appear in the same body, they are called sex-chromosome mosaics. They may have combinations of normal male and female chromosomes, typically 46,XY; 45,X; or 46,XX, within their body. 

    Sometimes, an ova with two nuclei will be formed in an ovary, be fertilized by two sperm, and grow into a chimera -- a person with two DNAs. One possibility is that they might have some 46,XX and some 46,XY (a normal female and normal male) chromosome configuration. 

    Sometimes two separate zygotes (fertilized ova) can fuse shortly after conception and develop into a single embryo with two different DNAs. 

    Consider gender identity: 

    A minority of individuals develop a sense of being of the opposite sex from their biological and physiological gender." 1 They may describe themselves as a man trapped in a woman's body, or having a man's body with a woman's brain. They experience Gender Identity Disorder, a.k.a. Gender Dysphoria. 

    1  Some people identify as both male and female. 
    2  Others identify as being of a third gender, as being "two spirited" or of having no gender at all. 
    3  Some will be intersexual. They will have an "anatomy or physiology which differ from cultural ideals of male and female." Some will have genitalia which are ambiguous, others with both male and female components, and still others will be missing external genitalia entirely. 

    Our cultures' tendency to divide people neatly into male and female suddenly looks inadequate and over simplistic. 

    Beliefs about sex, gender identity and gender dysphoria by transgendered persons, transsexuals, social and religious liberals, secularists, etc: 
    They are much more likely to accept the findings of genetics and human sexuality research and acknowledge that the binary male/female system is inadequate. They view transgendered persons who are identified as male when they are born but make the transition to female later in life -- often referred to as MTF transsexuals -- as female. Similarly they consider female to male transsexuals (FTM) who have made the transition to be male. 

    "The transsexual appears to be a perfectly normal male or female with normal primary and secondary sexual characteristics. ... transsexualism cannot be detected visually or by any other means. Since other people can't see anything amiss, they conclude that transsexualism is not a physical defect, but more an emotional/psychological problem. It is a common but erroneous belief that with a little self-discipline, or with counseling, a transsexual person can act normally and accept their lot in life. ..." 

    After decades of trying, psychiatrists have had to admit defeat in conquering this dilemma. In all the years that psychiatry has tried to 'cure' transsexualism, not one case has responded positively and permanently." 


    Heteronormativity is a term used in the discussion of gender and society, mostly, but not exclusively within the field of critical theory. It is used to describe, and, frequently, to criticize how many social institutions and social policies are seen to reinforce certain beliefs. These include the belief that human beings fall into two distinct and complementary categories, male and female; that sexual and marital relations are normal only when between two people of different genders; and that each gender has certain natural roles in life. Thus, physical sex, gender identity, and gender roles, should in any given person all align to either male or female norms, and heterosexuality is considered to be the only normal sexual orientation. The norms this term describes or criticizes might be overt, covert, or implied. Those who identify and criticize heteronormativity say that it distorts discourse by stigmatizing alternative concepts of both sexuality and gender, and makes certain types of self-expression more difficult. 

    This concept was formulated for use in the exploration and critique of the traditional norms of sex, gender identity, gender roles and sexuality, and of the social implications of those institutions. It is descriptive of a dichotomous system of categorization that directly links social behavior and self identity with one's genitalia. That is (among other) to say that, because there are strictly defined concepts of maleness and femaleness, there are similarly expected behaviors for both males and females. 

    Originally conceived to describe the norms against which non-heterosexuals struggle, it quickly became incorporated into both the gender and the transgender debate. It is also often used in postmodernist and feminist debates. Those who use this concept frequently point to the difficulty posed to those who hold a dichotomous view of sexuality by the presence of clear exceptions -- from freemartins in the bovine world to intersexual human beings with the sexual characteristics of both sexes. These exceptions are taken as direct evidence that neither sex nor gender are concepts that can be reduced to an either/or proposition. 

    In a heteronormative society, the binary choice of male and female for one's gender identity is viewed as leading to a lack of possible choice about one's gender role and sexual identity. Also, as part of the norms established by society for both genders, is the requirement that the individuals should feel and/or express desire only for partners of the opposite sex. In other critiques, such as the work of Eve Sedgwick (an American theorist in the fields of gender studies, and queer theory), this heteronormative pairing is viewed as defining sexual orientation exclusively in terms of the sex/gender of the person one chooses to have sex with, ignoring other preferences one might have about sex. 

    In a heteronormative society, men and women are interpreted to be natural complements, socially as well as biologically, and especially when it comes to reproduction. Woman and men are necessary for procreation, therefore male/female coupling is assumed to be the norm. 

    The concept of heteronormativity seeks to make visible the underlying norms or "normal" society. It questions the common and often tightly held notion that only what is statistically typical is normal and good. It embraces the notion (in the philosophy of ethics) that "is does not imply ought." 

    Heteronormativity and patriarchy 

    Heteronormativity is often strongly associated with, and sometimes even confused with patriarchy. However, a patriarchal system does not necessarily have a binary gender system, and vice versa — it merely privileges the masculine gender over all others — regardless of the number of others. 

    Still, heteronormativity is often seen as one of the pillars of a patriarchal society: the traditional role of men is reinforced and perpetuated through heteronormative mores, rules, and even laws that distinguish between individuals based upon their apparent sex, or based on their refusal to conform to the gender roles that are normal to their society. Consequently, feminism can be seen as concerned with fighting "heteronormativity" and the prescriptions it is seen to have for women. 

    Groups that challenge traditional gender structure 

    Critics of heteronormativity say that the existence of intersex, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people undermines any fundamental assumption that gender is naturally dichotomous. They believe it problematizes justifications such as the appeal to natural law, or certain Christian notions of faith in God's plan or belief in the goodness of Creation. 

    Many supporters of heteronormativity are aware that these groups exist, and reconcile that with their beliefs by making the "is" vs. "ought" distinction. On the other hand, if what is typical is somehow related to what is good, then the fact that these groups are all numerical minorities may be significant. The issue of choice vs. biological pre-determination is also an important consideration, and supporters and critics often disagree about those facts. 

    Supporters of heteronormativity may thus consider members of LGBTI people abnormal, diseased, or immoral. The range of possible social responses has and does include tolerance, pity, shunning, violence, and attempts to help members of these groups become more "normal" through compassionate or even forceful means 


    Intersexual people have biological characteristics which are not unambigously either male or female. If such a condition is detected, intersexual people are almost always assigned a gender at birth. Surgery (usually involving modification to the genitalia) is often performed to produce an unambiguously male or female body, without the individual's consent. The child is then usually raised and enculturated as a member of the assigned gender, which may or may not match gender identity throughout life or some remaining sex characteristics (for example, genes). 

    Some individuals who have been subjected to these interventions have objected that had they been consulted at an age when they were able to give informed consent then they would have declined these surgical and social interventions. 

    Gender theorists argue that gender assignment to intersex individuals is a clear case of heteronormativity, in which a biological reality is actually denied in order to maintain a binary set of sexes and genders. 

    Transgendered people 

    * often seek gender reassignment therapy, thereby violating the assumption that only unambiguous female or male bodies exist. 
    * do not develop a gender identity that corresponds to their body; in fact, several never develop a gender identity that is plainly male or female. 
    * often do not behave according to the gender role assigned to them, even before transitioning. This is especially true for trans men, but also many trans women. 
    * often identify as gay or lesbian after transitioning, and are often lumped together with homosexuals relative to their birth sex, although that is almost never correct. While some trans men did identify as lesbians for a time (although this is still a minority), trans women who identify as gay men are very rare. 

    Some societies consider transgendered behavior a crime worthy of capital punishment, including Saudi Arabia, and many other non-western nations. In other countries, certain forms of violence against transgendered people may be tacitly endorsed when prosecutors and juries refuse to investigate, prosecute, or convict those who perform the murders and beatings. Currently, in parts of North America and Europe.  Other societies have considered transgendered behavior as an psychiatric illness serious enough to justify institutionalization. 

    Certain restrictions on the ability of transgendered people to obtain gender-related medical treatment has been blamed on heteronormativity. In medical communities with these restrictions, patients have the option of either suppressing transsexual behavior and conforming to the norms of their birth sex (which may be necessary to avoid social stigma or even violence), or adhering strictly to norms for their "new" sex in order to qualify for gender reassignment surgery and hormonal treatments (if any treatment is offered at all). These norms might include: dress and mannerisms, choice of occupation, choice of hobbies, and the gender of one's mate (heterosexuality required). (For example, trans women might be expected to trade a "masculine" job for a more "feminine" one - e.g. become a secretary instead of a lawyer.) Attempts to achieve and ambiguous or "alternative" gender identity would not be supported or allowed. Some medical communities, especially since the 1990s, have adopted more accommodating practices, but many have not. 

    Many governments and official agencies have also been criticized as having heteronormative systems that classify people into "male" and "female" genders in problematic ways. Different jurisdictions use different definitions of gender, including by genitalia, DNA, hormone levels (including some official sports bodies), or birth sex (which means one's gender cannot ever be officially changed). Sometimes gender reassignment surgery is a requirement for an official gender change, and often "male" and "female" are the only choices available, even for intersexed or transgendered people. Because most governments only allow heterosexual marriages, official gender changes can have implications for related rights and privileges, such as child custody, inheritance, and medical decision-making. 

    Heteronormativity , lets take this further and examine the influences of childhood and the expectations of parents, peers and society in general. 

    The toys we are given, being gender appropriate, the books we read, The concept of playing mummies and daddy, Doctors and Nurses. The childrens classics, The ideal hetro image, of man and woman, The Prince and the Princess. About the only logical deviation I can recall from my childhood is the Pantomime Dame, the ugly sister and the principal boy. 

    Klinefelter's syndrome, 47, XXY, or XXY syndrome is a condition in which human males have an extra X chromosome. While females have an XX chromosomal makeup, and males an XY, affected individuals have at least two X chromosomes and at least one Y chromosome. Because of the extra chromosome, individuals with the condition are usually referred to as "XXY Males", or "47, XXY Males". 
    In humans, Klinefelter's syndrome is the most common sex chromosome disorder and the second most common condition caused by the presence of extra chromosomes. The condition exists in roughly 1 out of every 1,000 males. One in every 500 males has an extra X chromosome but does not have the syndrome. Other mammals also have the XXY syndrome, including mice. 
    The principal effects are development of small testicles and reduced fertility. A variety of other physical and behavioral differences and problems are common, though severity varies and many boys and men with the condition have few detectable symptoms. 
    The syndrome was named after Dr. Harry Klinefelter. 

    Now back to perceptions, misunderstandings and denial 

    I have expounded this theory in other threads, particularly in the one ''Am I gay'' A few agreed with me, some were outraged. 

    Lots of highly regarded psychologists would say that a M to female TS thinking, as women, presenting and living as women, its logical that in their gender orientation would logically be attracted sexually to men.. ergo heterosexual, straight, this is not judgemental 
    either and is perfectly understandable.. 

    What I do not understand from some ''TS'' when this is put to them, as in that particular thread, come back with a ewe sex with men! thats disgusting, I'm not some gay in a dress, just because I dress in womens clothes and am a woman does not make me gay and want sex with men.. 

    Logic would say that if your a male to female think like a woman, and are living the life, your straight per se. being attracted to men. 
    if you are attracted to women, ipso facto that would make one a lesbian? nothing wrong with that, I just could not understand the reasoning and the denial..... 

    Critics of heteronormative attitudes, such as Cathy J. Cohen, Michael Warner, and Lauren Berlant argue that they are oppressive, stigmatizing, marginalizing of perceived deviant forms of sexuality and gender, and make self-expression more difficult when that expression does not conform to the norm This includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, intersex, transgender (LGBTQ) people, polygamists, polyamorists, as well as others such as racial minorities. Heteronormative culture "privileges heterosexuality as normal and natural" and fosters a climate where LGBTQ are discriminated against in marriage, tax codes, and employment. 
    According to cultural anthropologist Gayle Rubin, heternormativity in mainstream society creates a "sex hierarchy" that gradates sexual practices from morally "good sex" to "bad sex." The hierarchy places reproductive, monogamous sex between committed heterosexuals as "good" and places any sexual acts and individuals who fall short of this standard lower until they fall into "bad sex." Specifically, this places long-term committed gay couples and promiscuous gays in between the two poles. Patrick McCreery, lecturer at New York University, views this hierarchy as partially explanatory for the stigmatization of gay people for socially "deviant" sexual practices that are often practiced by straight people as well, such as consumption of pornography or sex in public places. 
    McCreery states that this heteronormative hierarchy carries over to the workplace, where LGBTQ individuals face discrimination such as anti-homosexual hiring policies or workplace discrimination that often leaves "lowest hierarchy" individuals such as transsexuals vulnerable to the most overt discrimination and unable to find work. 
    Applicants and current employees can be legally passed over or fired for being non-heterosexual or perceived as non-heterosexual, such as the case with chain restaurant Cracker Barrel, which garnered national attention in 1991 after they fired an employee for being openly lesbian, citing their policy that employees with "sexual preferences that fail to demonstrate normal heterosexual values were inconsistent with traditional American values." Workers such as the fired employee and others, such as effeminate male waiters (allegedly described as the true targets), were legally fired by work policies "transgressing" against "normal" heteronormative culture. 

    In behavior, normal refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average. The phrase "not normal" is often applied in a negative sense (asserting that someone or some situation is improper, sick, etc.) Abnormality varies greatly in how pleasant or unpleasant this is for other people. 
    The Oxford English Dictionary defines "normal" as 'conforming to a standard'. Another possible definition is that "a normal" is someone who conforms to the predominant behavior in a society. This can be for any number of reasons such as simple imitative behavior, deliberate or inconsistent acceptance of society's standards, fear of humiliation or rejection etc. 
    The French sociologist Émile Durkheim indicated in his Rules of the Sociological Method that the most common behavior in a society is considered normal. People who do not go along are violating social norms and will invite a sanction, which may be positive or negative, from others what the majority perceives as the mean, or average.in the society. 
    As normality is often hard to define, a case study was done in 2008 in which students at Woodvale Senior High School, specifically students in the music program, were exposed to a certain kind of abnormality or as it was described at the time by Dr. Summerville, "weirdness". The aim was to see what adolescents perceived as normal, or "average", and what they thought would be abstract, or as many of the participants described it, "weird". Sarah Nader and Murray Bishop, two of the test subjects were asked to have a "normal conversation" with their peers. However it soon became apparent that the discussions had between close, or even "best", friends was defined as weird by others of whom they were engaging in conversation. The conclusions of the study were that normalness is not an entirely flawed concept, rather it is simply defined so. 

    Society's attitudes to transsexuality have changed considerable over the last thirty years. Whereas once a transsexual or transvestite would be labelled as a pervert, or worse, today such people are treated more sympathetically. Discrimination still exists, as it does for most minorities, but times are changing. The recent BBC TV series Paddington Green followed the story of Jackie McAuliffe, a transsexual who worked as a prostitute to earn the money to pay for her operation. Many transsexuals find employment denied to them and as a consequence the only way to fund their transition is through prostitution. Such was the viewer interest that follow-up programmes were made and Jackie appeared in a two-page spread in Radio Times. In another recent case which received widespread coverage, a vicar who underwent a sex change operation returned to her church duties with the support of the majority of her congregation. 


    Whilst most people believe that human being are either "male" or "female", the range of human sexuality - both physical and psychological - is much more varied. An intersex person is anyone who does not fit exactly into the current definition of "male" or "female". Such people are regarded as misfits and make easy targets for bullying. 
    In fact, it could be said that intersex people are bullied the moment they are born when medical professionals insist that the baby conform to their belief in the "normality" of male or female genitalia and apply pressure to the parents to allow them to perform corrective surgery. Parents, often in shock, give their permission having been persuaded that surgery is in the best interests of their child. 

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