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  • Your Brain

    1. Introduction The role of the androgen receptor in CNS masculinization or the absence of same in male feminisationThe medial posterior region of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTMP) and the locus coeruleus (LC) show opposite patterns of sexual dimorphism. The BSTMP in males is greater i...

    So I'm at work yesterday and the mail clerk starts handing out letters from upper management. At this point, I'm thinking "Oh crap, how am I gonna tell my family I got laid off?" Fortunately, I'm only 35 years old. You'll understand when you read the letter. QUOTE CONOVIRUS IMPLICATIONS Due to the...
  • I'm in a funny mood

    THIS IS A JOKE   Imagine having a magic mirror. Pull a guy take him home. Ask him what he would like? He says, ''Well I would prefer it if your tit's were  a lot bigger'' you turn to the mirror and say ''mirror, mirror on the wall make my tit's grow to 44'' Whoosh your boobs are transformed, ...
  • Transgender is a complex topic

    Transgender is a complex topic, where consensual and precise definitions have not yet been reached. Usually, the only way to find out how exactly people identify themselves is to ask them, and sometimes, transgender people either cannot or will not define themselves any more specifically than transg...
  • Topic: Uk Goverment discriminated against the Trandgendered (NO Because your birth certificate depicts your recognised gender in law, a fact true when registered,    If a person applies for a GRC when it's issued the birth certificate is then altered to reflect ...
  • Just a point in lawful contract.

    Lawyers And Light BulbsQ: How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb? This is a question that’s been at the forefront of discussion amongst the most prestigious scholars and lawmakers of the world. Finally, after getting them all together – the question has been answered. A: Such number a...
  • Heteronormativity

    Heteronormativity is a term used in the discussion of gender and society, mostly, but not exclusively within the field of critical theory. It is used to describe, and, frequently, to criticize how many social institutions and social policies are seen to reinforce certain beliefs. These include the b...
  • How frequently does transsexualism occur

    When all available hypotheses have been evaluated, the scientific method chooses the one that best meets the above criteria. A simpler explanation will be preferred over one that is complex or requires a leap of faith to accept.   Califia (1997) reports that three different schools of thought can ...
  • Provocation and being a bitch

    Saw the jumper on line and it reminded me of the numerous times I have resorted to being a sarcastic bitch.   If one were to search the web for my name, one link springs to mind. Cristine Shye Quotes | Quotes by Cristine ShyeCollection of Cristine Shye quotes, from the older more famous Cristine Sh...

    I have just witnessed a post on the home page depicting anal fisting and  subsequent comment's desiring the same treatment.   NOT A GOOD IDEA.  I have had quite a few sexual encounter's with a variety of sized cock's toys etc, one must realise the sphincter is formed to accommodate an outward expul...
  • The History

    Firstly a point in history, Preamble Legislation and Legal Judgements Impacting Trans People Sexual Offences Act 1967 This Act decriminalised homosexuality – though actually resulted in an increase in convictions for homosexuality. This was because it allowed sex between consenting adult men over ...
  • Gender Differences in Human Brain

    Gender identity, whether consistent or inconsistent with other sex characteristics, may be understood to be “much less a matter of choice and much more a matter of biology” (Coolidge et al., 2000). The scientific evidence supports the paradigm that transsexualism is strongly associated with the neur...