Recent Entries

  • European Court of Human Rights ends Forced Sterilisation

    Posted on 6. April 2017 in Legal Gender Recognition, Press   Not that this applied to the UK,   No form of surgery is  legally required, but it proves just how diverse different EU member states have had their own GRA recognised by the EHRC something I have pointed out on numerous occasions wh...
  • Policy for the Provision of Treatment for Gender Dysphoria

    1. BackgroundLegal obligations and commissioning priority1.1 The Court of appeal ruled in 1999 that it is unlawful for NHS organisations tooperate anything amounting to a blanket ban on the funding of gender treatment(Burns, 2008).1.2 A Primary Care Trust is allowed to accord any treatment ‘low prio...
  • History an Extract Posted by Cristine Shye. BL May 29, 2011 11:     The above link contains graphiic diagrams and pictures of surgical procedures and resultrs of SRS anyone offended or upset by seeing graphic pictures should not open this article.. Historical Background  (An interesting extract...
  • Religion, do I need it

    Just for a laugh   I once got religion, dragged Cass to our local church, We underwent an interview on suitability for acceptance. Pastor asked us a lot of intimate and personal questions, could see he was getting quite excited by our responses, but suddenly he got serious, told us we would have t...
  • Don't worry

    This is something to think about when negative people are doing their best to rain on your parade. So remember this story the next time someone who knows nothing, and cares less, tries to make your life miserable. A woman was at her hairdresser's getting her hair styled for a trip to Rome with her ...
  • Gender Variant People

    Posted by Cristine Shye. BL   April 10, 2011 12:41 am BST  11 comments   1,348 views Many anomalies such as AIS  (Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) can arise causing inconsistent development between the various elements by which we know ourselves to be either a man or a women. A...
  • A bit of History

    Prior to the GRA coming into force, one could not change their gender on the passport, because it was linked to their birth certificate, one had a doctors letter to explain the change of name and the contradictoray gender marker.    Prior to the Corbet V Corbet (April Ashley) 1970 one could chang...
  • Fopr those wishing to stay married

    The Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Act, 2013 Until the introduction of the Marriage (same-sex couples) Act, the only marriage available was between a ‘man’ and a ‘woman’. Many trans people were, and are still, in such long-term marriages. Prior to the introduction of this new Act, a married trans p...
  • Paperwork transitioning

    About Deed Polls What is a Deed Poll? A Deed Poll is a legal document - not a certificate. It is a form of legal contract but it differs from legal contracts between two or more parties in that it only concerns one person (and it is only signed by that person in the presence of a witness). A Deed Po...
  • Getting beyond "labels

    We've seen that there are many variations and combinations of gender conditions, across a wide continuum of possibilities. These are major realities that deeply affect the lives of large numbers of people in close human love relationships. Unfortunately, we don't yet have a truly adequate vocabula...
  • Synopsis of the Etiology of Gender

    Many transsexuals, therapists, human sexuality researchers, religious liberals, and others believe that transsexuality is determined before birth. Some believe that it is determined by one's DNA at conception. others hold to the theory that it is caused by irregular levels of sex hormones to which...
  • : Interesting facts

    In  Lebanon, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is punishable by death. Like THAT makes sense.) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* In  Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is prohibited from look...