December 5, 2013 4:11 PM GMT
Question is Mal - Would you like a bit of elegance or do you fancy a bit of rough ???

- Amy you know i love you, but you did want dresses and i was the only one who came up with the right answer to Mal's question ! lmfao xxx
December 5, 2013 4:59 PM GMT
Tonight is "pakjes avond" (parcel night) in the Netherlands and Flanders and Sinterklaas will be leaving presents for all those boys and girls who have been good (naughty ones get no presents).
He arrived from Spain in his "stoomboot" (steam ship) a few weeks ago and together with his helpers (zwarte piets or black peters) he has been visiting all parts of Holland and Flanders on his white horse.
But tonight is the night when Sint rides the rooftops on his white horse and leaves his parcels (hence pakjes avond). Small children leave out carrots and water for his horse and their empty shoes so he can leave a present.
Maybe he will leave a dress for Liz??
Pauline xxx
PS Its also celebrated in French speaking places as Saint Nicolas and as Samichlaus or Sankt Nikolaus in German speaking countries.
December 5, 2013 5:21 PM GMT
A dress indeed, is a dress in deed lol xxx