December 1, 2013 3:04 PM GMT
I've had a good think, I am going to be selfish this year and say that the best xmas present I could get is health for my dad. He has had a number of problems this year and he is not a young man by any stretch of the imagination.
That's all I wish for although Paulines suggestions are admirable, I am going to keep my wishes in the family.
All the best for xmas but I would still like that purple latex dress in the Honour shop too! S x
December 1, 2013 9:35 PM GMT
I am not completely altruistic - my Xmas presents for me include a new dress and a vintage compact and lipstick holder.
Why have a tatty old make up kit if I can be elegant and feminine?
Just hope that Santa drops by on Xmas Eve for a kiss and a glass of something warming.....
Pauline xxx
December 1, 2013 9:41 PM GMT
My perfect gift would be a real magic wand (no smutty comments please! lol) because there are so many things in the world that I would like to put right (including making myself very rich lol) xxx
December 2, 2013 8:01 AM GMT
did i mention dresses lol xxxx
December 2, 2013 8:48 AM GMT
Just one? ARGH! A decent make up mirror with lights, then.
December 2, 2013 11:26 AM GMT
you did mention dresses Amy lol xxx
December 2, 2013 6:04 PM GMT
A bigger wardrobe and more sexy underwear and and black mini dress
December 2, 2013 6:16 PM GMT
Bigger wardrobes are always useful - after all a girl can never have enough shoes or dresses!!!! P xxx
December 2, 2013 8:06 PM GMT
So upset that no one has given me the answer I was looking for
December 2, 2013 8:35 PM GMT
Mal? if i could gift wrap you - it would be you!
December 2, 2013 8:45 PM GMT
Correct answer Liz! You win first prize!

December 2, 2013 9:27 PM GMT
The first prize is a night out with me. The second prize is two nights out with me
December 3, 2013 5:28 PM GMT
what is the 3rd prize??? P xx
December 3, 2013 5:31 PM GMT
Haven't decided yet lol xxx
December 4, 2013 8:33 AM GMT
i did mention dresses didnt i lol
and hands off liz mals is mine xxxxx
December 4, 2013 3:03 PM GMT
I think I'd go with that 'real' magic wand too actually - endless possibility
December 4, 2013 3:41 PM GMT
Could I have the need not to sleep, then the daytime can be for boring work and the night time all Me time