March 13, 2011 11:43 AM GMT
One problem with the site is that if you download a 'racey' picture onto 'Sexy Girls' or other group sites, it automatically appears on the homepage as recent activity which probably accounts for Terri's, and April Mae's observations. I have gone to homepage and deleted my racier downloads and your group site does not lose the pic you've downloaded.
Could Beckie do something to keep such pics only where they belong, and not being recorded on 'Homepage' as recent activity?
I still haven't been able to access the Barbie video, so can't comment. Barbie (not Bareback) is an icon aimed at little girls to aspire to and to spend their parents hard earned cash, , but that can be damaging developmentally , because of the impossible body proportions and the pressure to conform it places on them. A child psychologist in demonstrating the dangers of Barbie to little girls for their development commented that Barbie's only flaw is the stamp on her bum 'made in Taiwan'.
Regarding 'Enery the eighth, it was an old music hall song and it's originator would have been dead a long time, so Nicky, you won't have to compromise your liberty re the life support off switch! Arelief to ua all I'm sure.
I also take your point, as many appear to do, re the Royal Family, except to say that our future queen Kate wore a particular coat recently, and it sold out totally in original and cheaper copy versions. That's sycophancy for you!
March 15, 2011 2:44 PM GMT
I don't think for me it's a question of morality, think what I struggle with is maybe my interpretation of this whole crossdressing thing, to me it's looking your best, ie as female as possible and trying to blend in and there's nothing at all girl like about cocks-if so there'd be a penis de milo
March 15, 2011 2:50 PM GMT
Exactly if we want to look like girls why display the very thing that makes us look like blokes!!! and some!!! Same applies to hairy arms etc but obviously on a lesser level
April 4, 2011 11:25 AM BST
please, no cock shots, over morning cafe. nuff to put you off breakfast
April 4, 2011 12:24 PM BST
Concise, precise comedically Succinct!- !!!
June 24, 2011 12:17 PM BST
cocks are merely a clitoris extension, but hairy is hairy ugh (except on the head)