December 30, 2012 6:28 PM GMT
I have taken this item below out of teh D Mail as a NewYear/Old Year fun item. We all wear heels ...sometimes well sometimes badly...... Article goes as follows >>>
The millions of women who will be squeezing their feet into uncomfortable high heels this New Year's Eve can rest assured that the pain will be worth it - because the shoes really do make you look better.
Researchers have found that heels can 'emphasise femininity' and change the way the entire body moves, including the pelvis, hips, legs, knees, feet and even the shoulders.
Scientists at the University of Portsmouth found that women wearing heels were rated as more attractive than when wearing flat shoes, even when those making the judgement are unable to see faces or bodies.
The study appears in the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior.
Researchers wrote that 'evolution may partly explain the continuing popularity of high heels as an article of the female wardrobe.
'If wearing high heels emphasises some sex-specific aspects of the female form they may make women more attractive, and one motivation, which may be conscious or unconscious, for wearing heels is that it is part of mate selection', The Independent on Sunday reports.
As part of the research women were filmed walking for four minutes wearing identical flat shoes and 6cm heels.
All women who took part in research had an average of around 10 pairs of heels, which they wore at least once a week.
To ensure the women were rated on how attractive they were purely based on their high heels researchers used a technique called point-light display which highlights points of the body with lit markers.
It means the judges would see only the patterns of these lights as the woman walks.
Men and women viewed 30-second video clips of the walkers in high heels and flat shoes moving towards them and rated them on femininity and attractiveness.
In each case the women were rated as more attractive in heels.
Women judges also rated them as more attractive than the men did.
A second experiment - asking judges to guess whether the person walking towards them was a man or woman - saw women wearing flat shoes twice as likely to be viewed as a man.
It was also discovered that an average woman walked more quickly in heels, changing from 106 to 110 steps a minutes, but with shorter strides - from 1.24 to 1.20 metres.
The researchers wrote: 'Women in high heels walked in a fashion more characteristic of female gait. The results are consistent with the idea that wearing high heels makes women look more attractive, and added: 'Fashions by their very nature are ephemeral, but fashions that endure, such as high heels, may emphasise sex-specific aspects of the body.'
So is the big question or questions
1. How high are your highest heels?
2. How often do you wear high heels?
3. How often do you go out in heels?
Am I am sure that some of you will find other Qs or comments to make about heels.
Pauline xxxx
December 30, 2012 6:47 PM GMT
I love wearing high heels, my highest pair are 8 1/2 inches with a 3 inch platform, although I only wear them for posing!!
Generally though wear 5 inch heels and wear them out on occasions, definitely feel sexy in them as they make my legs look slender and longer.
Hopefully I'll get more opportunity to wear them in 2013
Suzy xxx
December 30, 2012 7:02 PM GMT
Heels are just SO sexy, when wearing them and when looking at them
December 30, 2012 7:16 PM GMT
highest i have is 5". Only use flats for driving in!
December 30, 2012 7:49 PM GMT
Highest 5 inch... and I don't get to wear them often enough

... and some 3 inch ones.... but the 5 inch are certainly my Favourite pair....
But, they do make your walk more feminine which is why I love wearing them. x
December 30, 2012 8:51 PM GMT
I hardly know any T girls that wear flats - what does that say about how feminine heels are? I usually wear 4" or 4.5" heels, I am fine in them all day, even going out. I can manage in 5.5, but after that walking is a real problem, and I don't like platforms., platforms are OK for very small girls, but if you want to pass you can't be more than 6' in any heels, preferably less, and few of us can do that. I am 5'8 so 4" is really enough in straight places though I wear 5 or 6 for client visits!
I so have 2 pairs of flats for places where no girls would wear heels, but I rarey wear them!
December 30, 2012 9:00 PM GMT
Interesting about the walking, too. My step in heels is 2/3 of my male stride, I've noticed, 1 paving stone instead of 1.5, and I take much faster steps naturally as a result. I know it makes my hips swing, and of course I love that. It's really not possible to walk in a male way in very high heels, but who on earth would want to?
December 30, 2012 9:05 PM GMT
I love walking in my hi heels... I am tall already... but still love to put them on.. max heels I have are 4,5 inch
December 30, 2012 9:26 PM GMT
The highest heels I wear these days are 5", with or without platforms. I have a pair of strappy sandals and a pair of courts with 7" heels and no platform, but walking in them now, I look like a duck with a hernia. Most of my shoes are 3 1/2" and 4".
I wear heels when I go out, but round the house during the day either flats or 1" heels.
I wear heels when I go out of the house, except for going to the supermarket or park, when only flats will do.
Incidentally, I find when I walk in heels my feet are parallel, but when I walk in flats my feet are around five past eleven. Weird. xxx
December 30, 2012 9:33 PM GMT
mostly i wear 3" heels but do have a 5" pair..gotta say they do make you feel and look more feminie with them on x x x
December 30, 2012 9:35 PM GMT
I have a pair 7"+, can barely stand in them, let alone walk! They look very good in bed, well, on bed actually, no other use....can anyone actually walk in such shoes, I just fall forward all the time!
December 30, 2012 10:11 PM GMT
1. 4.5"
2. Never wear flats when dressed
3. Never been "out" as such but have walked to and from the car a few times
As Annabel has already said, as I am 5'8" then 4"/4.5" are high enough to just put me over the 6' mark, which is tall enough.
This post was edited by Berni David at December 30, 2012 10:13 PM GMT
December 30, 2012 10:43 PM GMT
Well Berni, going out may be scary but it's a huge thrill and not as bad as you think! You should try to get down to my next party, LOL, Jan 22, advertised elsewhere on this site!
December 30, 2012 11:20 PM GMT
Well I've been potty about hi-heels since I was knee-hi to a grasshopper !! - No really I mean it - They're not the best invention since sliced bread - They're the best invention EVER !! - I have to say that I can't stand platforms - far too clunky and not at all delicate and feminine which hi-heeled shoes or sandals SHOULD be - My highest heels are 5.5 going on six inches - Sandals with pencil thin spiky stiletto heels - I call them my bedroom sandals 'cos they're certainly not made for walking but for making love !! - Other than that I have 5.5 inch courts (or pumps if you will, which I find such an ugly word to describe such exquisite footwear) with an ankle strap that are very comfortable and perfect for goiing out and about in - I have lots of pairs of four inch hi-heels, which are more practical perhaps as well as being nice 'n sexy - So to answer your other two questions Pauline : Q2 as often as I can and Q3 same as Q2 - I just ADORE them and can't feel really femme unless I'm wearing them - The way they change the sihouette of a girl's leg is just SO divine and your whole comportment changes as you move around in them - So swing those hips girls and strut your stuff !! - Hi-heels forever !!!! - xxxxxxxx
December 30, 2012 11:20 PM GMT
One very important piece of advice I received before going out for the first time was wear heels and think about how women walk. Men walk from their knees the hips stay in line, women walk from their hips. I followed the advice and didn't do the tranny walk that time (have since) and even danced in 4" heels. But for a long night out I will sometimes takes flats as a "get me home".
December 30, 2012 11:50 PM GMT
highest is 6 inches. wear flats if it suits the look and need to get AtoB quick. usually change into really high heels if in club
December 31, 2012 12:40 AM GMT
I love wearing high heels, most of mine are either 3.5" or 4". I even drive in then when going out at night, they certainly do make you feel more feminine (well I do anyway).
December 31, 2012 2:13 AM GMT
i have 2 pairs of heels that are 7" and one of them are so dangerous to walk in, i only use them to take pictures. I tend to use 6" for lazing around the place or drop down to 5" cocktail ones if im in the mood. Bare in mind i fell off my 6" killers a few months back and came crashing down on my lap top and broke 2 ribs. This was from walking on a hard floor then moving onto carpet so be aware....ouch!!!
This post was edited by Lonya stephony at December 31, 2012 10:53 AM GMT
December 31, 2012 8:32 AM GMT
i love heels make me feel so sexy and not to high though i still need to walk whats the point in having huge high heels if you can walk in them you try to walk sexy in em and end up looking like a hod carrier lol well i do hahaha xxx
i would love to walk around in really high ones but i would need oompa loompas at the side holding me up xxxxxxxxxxx
This post was edited by Deleted Member at December 31, 2012 8:33 AM GMT
December 31, 2012 10:13 AM GMT
I love heels. When I suppressed, the last item to be thrown away were heels. Three inches, grey(ish) material uppers from Saxone.
And when I started again, the first thing I bought were heels. 4.5" red (other materials uppers).
I can walk perfectly well in them. I wore them on Comic Relief day....It was commented upon how easily I walked in them!
I generally wear three and a half or four inch when I go out, but I drive around in flats. Heels make me feel sexy, they make me feel relaxed. They're only just behind the internet in humankind's greatest inventions!
December 31, 2012 10:18 AM GMT
Internet and heels - indeed. But you forgot stockings, the most sensous garment ever!
December 31, 2012 10:53 AM GMT
"Internet and heels - indeed. But you forgot stockings, the most sensous garment ever!"
I couldn't agree more Annabel - Though I have to say that for me sexy seamed stockings without hi-heels would be like Fish without the Chips - LOL !! - But much MORE sexy of course unless one has a particular fetish for fish 'n chips - Still one never knows - "There's nowt so queer as folk" as one saying has it -
Happy New Hi-Heeled Year girls and keep on strutting those gorgeous legs -
This post was edited by Carole Lotte at December 31, 2012 2:26 PM GMT
December 31, 2012 2:17 PM GMT
Heels just make you feel so much more sexy.At night outs always heels or wedges.6inches if you count platforms.I think you do walk better don't now about walking quicker though especially on uneven surfaces like round the village.
January 1, 2013 12:34 AM GMT
Like everyone else I think heels look great - but girls keep the blister plasters handy!!! xxx
January 1, 2013 10:02 AM GMT
More sensible for me, slow and confident, however i do have a pair of Black Patent Stilleto's for "Home" lol xxx