Must confess "Hun" drives me potty, like Pauline I'm not a relative of Atilla or a WW1 German, that said, I don't mind "Hon" the correct shortened version of Honey, or indeed Sweetie, Darling or any of the other forms of affection, and in a lot of cases, especially typed, it depends how well I know the other person and what else they say along with it, for instance masses of Text speak and "Hun" together is a complete turn off, whereas a well thought out sentence containing "Sweetie" would be fine. I know all this makes me sound like a right madam, but I went to Grammar school and I like the Queen's English used correctly. Amy xxx
you go girl sock it to da man hon oops amy lol
wiv da kweens inglish n dat ha ha xxxxxx
Luvin d Amy

- resecting the other Amy too- there is the question of appropriate modes of communication - txt, and short msgs when in a hurry fine with any abbreviation or constrn u want- hon - well surprised that the brits say hun not hon- Call me anything u like as long as its not bitch c*** or sir !!!
im wiv da sexy bird april u r da luk n respect n all dat fingy sorry i have lost track ha ha ha xxxx
U no wots ezi r - first initials - innit A x
Strike a pose Amy xxxx
less ltrs 2 !!!!
ya tiz a good un!!
Jesus f.....g Christ f.....g text speak crap....
Please. Please
danke schoen. Pxxx
And if it descends any further into infantile crap speak I will delete the thread.
P xxx
Haahahahahahahahahahaha like

x Hugzz Aunt P