March 10, 2011 6:06 PM GMT
Whose bright idea was this? Alright, so they look great, they're sexy and pretty, but have you ever tried clipping your stocking to one of them? It can be difficult enough at the best of times, what with holding your leg up, pulling your stocking up, tryiing not to overbalance while stretching the uncooperative little suspender belt clip down to the stocking, also trying to hold the other part of the clip on the other side of your stocking, perhaps also holding up your skirt at the same time, without having to fiddle with those pesky bows!
I'm forever pushing them out of the way, only to have them slide back JUST as I get my stocking top into the clip and am about to slide the attachment on. It's enough to make a girl stick to wearing holdups!!
Anyone else experience this, have any advice?
March 11, 2011 8:57 AM GMT
I found it easier with proper stockings, having attempted with limited success to attach suspenders to hold ups that were migrating south with increasing ease. They proved too thick,; either that or I was too thick to get them attached. I agree that the little ribbons that cover them can make it awkward but after a few tries, I'm improving, and the hold up is invariably £1 dearer than the equivalent stocking and I now am not able to get seamed hold ups - a real pain in the stocking tops.
Sussies are more fun though. Persist with them Dear Stacey. I think on balance they are worth it. They also go on more easily some days than others in the same way I sometimes just can't get eyelashes to go on.
Oh the trials and tribulations of being a T-girl: And does it really matter anyway?
Love and manual dexterity,
Robbi xxx
March 11, 2011 9:49 AM GMT
I could write for ever about this Suspenders back in their heyday of late 1940s thru to the late 1960s were invariably metal, not plastic. This was before the invention of Lycra or hold ups. So they needed to be sturdier to hold the stockings up...whether they were on a suspender belt (in US garter belt), girdle or corselette. The ribbon was attached for a that when a woman was wearing a pencil or tight skirt the suspender "bumps" didnt show through the fabric of the skirt. it didnt work of course, and they were mainly attached to sexy expensive lingerie rather than everyday underwear.
Short skirts in the late 60s early 70s led to the demise of stockings in general and the invention of tights/pantyhose. Later on came the addition of Lycra to enable more stretch and also "firming" (esp with pantyhose). Stockings made a come back with hold ups, and you can still buy stockings that need suspender clips.
It sounds like yours are made out of plastic. I will check out some sites over the weekend where you can buy suspender belts with metal and rubber suspenders,,,, and no ribbon
hope that helps Pauline xxxx
March 11, 2011 3:57 PM GMT
Yes I know, I have some suspender belts with metal clasps, and they're great. Some of the plastic ones can be a little weak, but generally speaking the ribbons I'm talking about come with basques rather than suspender belts, which in its own way makes attaching them even harder, as with a suspender belt you can sort of cheat, by pulling the belt down a little on your waist, but when it's a basque it's going nowhere!
I do wear holdups from time to time, but as you say suspenders are so much sexier. Interesting information re why they started with the ribbons in the first place: I assumed it was always just decoration.
Well, I have half an hour to kill so going to try to attach this nice pink and white suspender belt to my stockings! Damn ribbons!
March 11, 2011 6:08 PM GMT
you could always cut the ribbons off or unpick the stitching. As you say with a basque its not that easy. do you still want info on sites to buy suspender belts etc??? hugs Pauline xx
March 11, 2011 8:24 PM GMT
I know I oculd cut the ribbons off, but they're so darn pretty!!

I'm ok on suspender belts thanks; have a good few and a number of basques also, but if there are specific sites you have in mind I wouldn't mind having a look thanks...
March 13, 2011 12:58 PM GMT
Here are some sites - I only picked UK ones,,,,,, stockingsand, and
In addition for girdle + foundationwear history buffs check out,, and FYI, Zona the girdle zone was probably the earliest on line site for girdles.
I hope all this helps and have fun
hugs Pauline xxxxxxxxx
March 13, 2011 1:04 PM GMT
I have had no problems with ribbons I like them :-) have the occasional twang of strap then an "OUCH" but thats part of the comedy.
As for sites is good and if you have money to burn
Im cheap as chips for my supplies PRIMARK lol
Kelly xx
March 13, 2011 2:11 PM GMT
Well not that bothered by them really hardly ever wear them - sad but true I know but I am a tights girl- practical simple keeps everything in place when I am performing on stage- . Stockings and sussie belts well yes - when in a hurry they are a night mare - only have one lol but I have been converted that they look nice and can have a purpose

Will probably visit Primark quite soon
March 13, 2011 2:18 PM GMT
I love wearing suspenders but what I want to know is why do they always feel like the fall down around your ankles, I also love wearing Basques at least that way they stay up
March 13, 2011 2:32 PM GMT
yep have one basque - that works nicely would like corsets now that I have lost weight would be interesting to see what my waist it down to now
March 13, 2011 5:43 PM GMT
Wow. Girls... All this talk about stockings, suspenders and corsetry is getting me hot under the collar

I think my fascination of lingerie stemmed from discovering the from it curvy women's pages in my mum's catalogue when I was about 13 or 14. It's never worn off. Far from it in fact lol. Ribbons and bows look so nice and though they can be a pain, it's a small price to pay for the amazing feeling of having the ultimate in sexy lingerie on - lace top stockings with pretty bows, a deep lace belt / lacy basque... omg... I'm supposed to be reading now for an essay and my mind is blown lmao...!
March 13, 2011 10:42 PM GMT
Ribbons and bows - are we all turning into Doris Day?????
March 15, 2011 8:32 AM GMT
Next we will start watching Doris's movies and wonder if we should all be wearing sheath dresses, pencil skirts and girdles?
Perhaps we could progress to Ann Bancroft???
March 15, 2011 10:18 AM GMT
so what is wrong with pencil skirts ? lol
March 15, 2011 5:12 PM GMT
April Mae...nothing is wrong with pencil skirts ..I wear them frequently, though its not easy going upstairs on the bus in them. P xxx
March 15, 2011 5:17 PM GMT
God no - that has difficulties of its own - Hoick em up and run up no one will notice lol - well as long as you have your cami's on lol
March 15, 2011 5:18 PM GMT
March 15, 2011 5:20 PM GMT
Ah but as a mature T girl I have to try to be elegant, otherwise a quick flash of stocking tops and suspender ribbons and people will get the wrong idea. So I try to walk up and down the stairs at a more leisurely pace Pxx
March 15, 2011 5:51 PM GMT
I do like elegance of course not easy to walk up and down stairs in a sedate and controlled way, particularly at rush hour.
At such moments you are forced against your better judgement and the thing is lovely gallant gentlefolk will avert their gaze the oiks will gawp - but part of you will guiltily enjoy the thought that they did, and the other will castigate yourself for even entertaining that possibility within your head.
Oh dear so much to think about when taking a pencil skirt into the public domain ....
March 15, 2011 6:59 PM GMT
At least with pencil skirts you can use a rubber (I'll get me coat - again!)
March 15, 2011 10:52 PM GMT
Both Doris Day and Ann Bancroft sound good to me!
March 21, 2011 7:29 PM GMT
Doris Day spent a lot of time on screen with Rock Hudson. What a hunk! What a ..........!
As for Anne Bancroft, I feel my temperature going up already. Amazing she was married to Mel Brooks. Wouldn't you just love to be Mrs. Robinson?
And pencil skirts.... wish I could wear one, but they tend not to be made in Lycra, the TV's friend. And as for a rubber; always go for safe sex!
March 22, 2011 8:05 AM GMT
Dont forget th wearing of girdles by such screen godesses as DD and MM led to the "monobuttock" need a girdle so the pencil skirt slides over your hips.
All this is of course miles away from suspender ribbons....I now try to stay downstairs on the bus or choose single deckers now (despite April Mae's advice about hoicking my pencil skirts when going upstairs) P xxxxxxxxxxx
March 22, 2011 10:02 AM GMT
I agree with Pauline, my sister STRIPPER, always divide the Buttocks. The bi-buttock is so hot at the moment !