Anal Sex

    • 148 posts
    August 9, 2011 8:43 PM BST
    sounds cool.hehe or red hot bum
    • 201 posts
    August 10, 2011 9:24 AM BST
    Oh jallie, you are such a dear .... I love you so much ... nicky XXXoooXOXO
    • 36 posts
    September 5, 2011 12:22 AM BST
    Sorry to hear about your bad experience, as others have said it takes time to get used to taking larger cocks, I had one once where I wasnt relaxed enough and it hurt and stung for ages, and it made me quickly pull off him, sometimes different lubes can help, some say baby oil but it disappears too soon with friction and dries out, where as vaseline can be a bit messy and lumpy etc, but there are some great anal lubes around on websites etc or sex shops and just keep practicing til you are used to larger things in life
  • October 27, 2011 11:09 AM BST
    Hi Girls,

    Sorry to hear about the unfortunate anal problems. I have never been taken analy by anyone, although I want to but just not I suppose been in that situation. Mainly I suppose due to not having been out much although now I am out to my partner In terms of Rebecca and am trying to get to Manchester more then who knows what situations I might be faced with.
    I am Bi-sexual by nature my partner does not know this and it will stay that way, I have had very little experience anyway as I tend to keep myself to myself in that area although I long to experience it even though I know it’s wrong.

    I however adore my toys so that is my only real experience I am sure a real (sorry) cock in you feels much different. I use my fingers and my dildo and yes found great pleasure but I have hurt myself once and after a good session I got a lump just out side my anal opening. It was the size of a small nut and bloody sore I could feel it and checked it in the mirror, it looked like a blood blister and one night while on the loo it poped. OMG blood I was not happy. Anyway told my partner and she said that sometimes when she bears down to much she gets a lump, I said well I must have done the same. Try now to be more lobed up lol lol lol

    Rebecca xxxxx