March 8, 2015 4:35 PM GMT
It is a real funny one that ma dear, I have no idea what so ever why people do the photoshop thingy! I have said in the past that maybe that's how that person perceives themself. I really have no idea.
LIke yourself i was once fooled and did like a couple of the pictures, because i thought Fuck me, then realised that they were fake photo's.
There has been enough air time of the member for other members to realise that they are fake photo's, like many members on here, not that many "read" and only look at what they want to see!
I have sent a message and up to now, I'm still waiting for a reply. On a lighter note my arms feel like Arline Schwarzenger, after a weekend of moving that dam machine about, pumped up veins in one's arms is not a good feminine look
March 8, 2015 5:02 PM GMT
The funny thing is that it's not more common than it is. Ironically you cheat yourself more than than others, as the faint praise you create back fires ,,,big time.
Much worse is stealing someone else's ID (photos and everything) which has only happened once on her so far - and we had to do a lot of detective work to prove. When faced with their transgression the perpetrator never owned up - they just removed all the pix.
Many of us would like to be - younger, prettier, slimmer, have a woman's body (etc, etc), but most of us dont have that, even after going through transition. Its tough being a tranny.
Lying to others is part of the TG scene and part of being a tranny, inlcuding pix. But......
Isn't it easier to show real pix and be your real self? When I go out as Pauline of course I get read, so what? I also smile a lot, cos I am happy - and I know I am bringing pleasure to others.
My advice - be yourself and show the photos !!!!
Pauline xxxx
March 8, 2015 5:09 PM GMT
good point about lying to others being inherent in the TG 'scene', I was guilty of it myself back in the days of being a gutless coward. Never trust a tranny as they generally develop
into the most accomplished of liars
March 8, 2015 5:11 PM GMT
if I used photoshop sure I would look beter than I do but at least mine are honest
March 8, 2015 5:12 PM GMT
yep Roxyy - bang on - that is the key, isn't it? They are real. P xxx
March 8, 2015 5:15 PM GMT
thank honey xxx
March 8, 2015 5:18 PM GMT
Is it lying to others? If you present yourself differently on a photo and then meet up you will be found out. But I suppose we all want to look better but for physical or financial reasons we can't, so photoshop is the next best thing.
I don't do that with my photos, I crop or lighten them only, but when I look at my photos I see Devon as I want to see her and I'm happy with that.
This post was edited by Devon Johnson at March 8, 2015 5:19 PM GMT
March 8, 2015 5:21 PM GMT
such good replys
March 8, 2015 5:23 PM GMT
its when you start believing the lies, think that member was really getting off on the fake pics
March 8, 2015 5:27 PM GMT
To carry on from Gemma V3's point about the men, I think the pictures they do are bad but with some of the men I actually take a deep gasp when I see them on video. I mean Stan Ogden would look better. Why photo shop but then not even try and look even half decent in a video. I mean they sit there arms folded wanking in an old vest or T shirt and expect you to think they are sexy and if you utter that they could at least sit up they then show you there cock as if that will make it all better. Just wear some decent clothes a shirt maybe its not hard. Since doing this I now realise why women act the way they do towards men they must get totally sick of men with their single minded blinkered attitude.
TVs and CDs photo shop I am not so concerned about as being a TV is hard and quite honestly I have done photo shop and video photo shop so to speak so I could be seen in places where I could never ever ever ever go. I would not pass

. I do however think that there are people on here and I have to agree with Gemma again, why the hell do they give them the pleasure of a like and worse still a comment. I mean some are so obvious I really can not believe anyone is taken in. I would rather see a well posed straight picture of some reality.
rant rant rant !!!
March 8, 2015 6:53 PM GMT
I have to use photo shop because if I didn't I'd put people off their dinner!
This post was edited by Mal Ware at March 8, 2015 10:24 PM GMT
March 8, 2015 9:46 PM GMT
OK - what's photoshop?!?
March 8, 2015 10:16 PM GMT
Photo shop is a shop like Max Spielmann where you take photos to be processed, I think.
March 8, 2015 11:18 PM GMT
Excerpt from the awesome South Park episode 'The Hobbit':
March 8, 2015 11:41 PM GMT
People probably use Photoshop because they can. Its like thinking the girls in Playboy etc. are real right down to the staple in their navel.
For me I don't post too many oics because I don't like them. I'm an old lady born in the 40's. I still appreciate how femme some girls look and make a few mistakes in "liking" photos. Altering well can be a skill but I wouldn't expect most of us to look as perfect as our photos in person. Except for Mal and his beard.
March 8, 2015 11:43 PM GMT
Wonderful Vanity
March 8, 2015 11:46 PM GMT
Thank you so much Rita! x
March 9, 2015 2:32 AM GMT
Thankfully i`m crap at photoshop editing and luckily i don`t need it,way back when ii first joined sites like this i didn`t want to show my face, i did a profile shot that was me back to the camera still full height but not showing my face,once i got to know how privacy settings work on sites i was no longer bothered about showing myself, as Devon says you will dig an impossible hole for yourself the moment you meet anyone if your picture has been faked up on a computer. This site has a few serial fakers,who i am pretty sick of seeing popping up having their pictures liked when they are so plainly false,such as the girl that pastes one head on other people`s pictures or that other girl with the masks and photoshop, hideous, the only person they are fooling is themselves.
March 9, 2015 11:02 AM GMT
a whole boatload of people live vicarious fantasy lives on the tinternet pretending to be Thor or Angelina Jolie or Sid from Ice age and they use anything such as photoshop afterFX etc to help them create their little fantasy world....mostly harmless but sometimes very dangerous as in Anders Behring Breivik, a lot of people will never be happy with who they are and photoshop will make no difference to the face they see in the mirror every morning!! I generally use photoshop to remove small unsightly my head. XXX
March 9, 2015 11:07 AM GMT
i could understand people using photoshop to remove blemishes and the like (i wish i was bothered to learn how to use the software) but superimposing your face onto someone elses body is sheer lunacy.
March 9, 2015 6:28 PM GMT
But as Gemma pointed out, the culprits are equally the people who support this lunacy by their 'likes' and comments on the doctored pictures. As the saying goes "fool me once, shame on you …fool me twice, shame on me."
March 9, 2015 6:32 PM GMT
the people dishing out the likes and comments are even more insane than the photoshoppers!
March 9, 2015 6:35 PM GMT
Abe Lincoln maybe...You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time.
Not sure if that is accurate quote or not, but seems to sum it up.