Recent Entries

  • Secret society acceptance

    As a trans person we face a multitude of discrimination and hatred directed towards us by those who through either negligence, religious bigotry or just through misunderstanding feel that we are either some sex fetish or an abomination.  It is with great interest that the time and tide are changing ...
  • The Sad State

    The last few weeks I have found that some people out there are more interested in stealing other photos and trying to pass them off as someone they are not. I find that this is not only sad but also for people who they end up communicating with or accepting a friend request from a fraud. This commu...
  • Well that was 2016...bring on 2017

    Well what a year 2016 was for me. From being only able to show my stocking clad legs to full facial pics and then taking myself out in to the real world. It has been quite a road of discovery going from fear and worry about showing myself to feeling comfortable in myself to reveal who I am and hopef...
  • Calypso Butterfly

    Having been away for a few weeks I returned home to that need and desire  to become me.  I slapped on some make up in a haphazard way and just put on some jeans and flats.  I suddenly realised that being me is no longer the thrill or sexual fetish that it once was, but more the feeli...