Pauline's comments
I suspect that all transvestites are narcissists to some extent - hence finding yourself attractive when dressed...and being "turned on" by the feminine vision that you have become.
These days my clothes and appearance don't do that any more, and have not for many years. I think that for me that change happened when I "came out" over 15 years ago. So I no longer get turned on either by the clothes or by the way I look as Pauline. It could be because I dress most days - at least 6 days out of 7, but I don't think so, as that is relatively recent. I see Pauline's clothes as just clothes, though I take a lively interest in women's fashion and have almost enough clothes and shoes to open a boutique for larger women with biggish feet.
And as I go out as Pauline on a regular basis, mostly I try to blend in and dress and look like real women do. As to my appearance - well sometimes I think it would be nice if I was younger and slimmer, etcera. Whether or not I am attractive - that is in the eye of the beholder. But as a woman of "a certain age" I am aware that mature ladies rarely get second glances when out and about - the younger ones get most of the looks. Which for me means if I dress "appropriately" then I blend in - as much as any Tgirl of 5' 10 can. Summer is more tricky of course as there are less clothes and its not dark till much later...and you have to be careful to create the illusion of hips and boobs - without all the silicone and padding showing. But there again summer dresses and tops and skirts are so bright and fun to wear.
So no - I no longer get turned on by looking at me in the mirror, but I do get a big kick out of being Pauline and I am happy being me.
Pauline xxx
U bring up several points, Pauline. Although I dress to blend when I go out to meet other girls for various events, often out in vanilla land. I dislike dressing and looking that way. I much prefer looking young and hot! And, as I'm likely older than u, I think if looks r very important to u, u can look that way well into old age. They r VERY important to me. As, apparently Sherry is quite vain. Altho I must cheat by using silicone, pads, and even masks to get the resulting looks I desire, it's all quite worth it!
Someone mentioned, "simply throwing on a skirt, etc. to feel good". That doesn't work for me. I take hours, sometimes days, ahead of my sessions to prepare the outfits and gear I will wear. When I began dressing at age 50, throwing on some nylons and/or a bra stuffed with something was exciting. But not anymore. Now, it's dress to the 9's or nothing for me.
This post was edited by Pauline Smith at June 5, 2013 4:26 PM BST
I edited your input above - though only to get rid of all the ampersands that are a result of copying and pasting my part of this thread.
Its nice of you to say that I am younger than you, but that may not be the case - as like many Tgirls the use of make up and a wig makes us look younger than we are.
We all cheat - have a read of Anne Nicholls reminiscences of her 80 year life as a Tgirl. Part 2 is coming soon - she is an inspiration to all of us and people like her made it safer for us to go out and about.
Good luck with all your dressing to the 9s - its always fun, well it should be. And that is the key - being happy with yourself. After all you may from time want to purge your closet,but you cannot purge your brain. So the desire to dress will always be there.
Pauline xxx
Sometimes yes, sometimes no, often depends on context. But sexual turn on or not it is always fun xxxx
well when i first started yes dressing turned me on, but the older i get and the more i dress the more appreciative i am of just being collette, im totally at ease with myself and content and so relaxed
collette xxxx
Before going out for the first time I was turned on by wearing women's clothes. But then I did it when I felt sexually aroused. Since going out for the first time I can say that I don't get turned on when I get dressed.
But it's a different thing if someone were to undress me!
Yes i have to agree with what has already been said, i used to dress for the sexual arousement. Now and for many years i dress for the appreciation of being as female as i can. x x x
I suppose I am a "slut" at heart, I still want to get turned on by Suzanne and make her as hot as I possibly can at my age!
June 6, 2013 12:38 PM BST
I have never ventured out as Berni but have had a few naughty meets.
I do have a few "naughty" pix of me which I must admit do get me going. lol
June 6, 2013 12:42 PM BST
Oooo Sounds nice Berni - Why don't you " Share" with all your Transtastic friends - I'm sure they would bring a warm glow to our face's lol xxx
June 6, 2013 12:50 PM BST
Oh dear no Liz! Don't you know I'm a Layyydeeee?
Besides I'm far too shy. xxx
And anyway - what are you doing perving at this time of day? Haven't you got a bus to drive? ;0)
This post was edited by Berni David at June 6, 2013 12:56 PM BST
LOL well i'm not driving Buses at the moment - but i can always find time to "perv" at the right pics !

I am me so it doesn't turn me on i need other things for that but it does make me feel good and i like it when people say your sexy.
Well girls ill say this again for me its about being collette and being femme , i am never happier thatn when collette end of story for me !!!!
If my fem persona knocked the door, I imagine it would feel quite weird -- for the first couple of wines at least. But then *I* would get tedious and start scrutinizing myself in minute detail.
June 12, 2013 12:03 AM BST
I don't now nor never have been turned on as such by my appearance when dressed , however I do enjoy picking my outfit for the day and I do try my very hardest to look not just feminine but to add a touch of sexuality , I would be lying if I said that I don't admire myself when dressed and I do look at myself in the mirror and think " yes you look gorgeous " , I dress for me but I know that I am also dressing to impress , I admit despite being a bit of a man hater I do enjoy the looks wolf whistles and comments from both sexes , I am lucky in as much as I am fully transitioned and heading for the operating table that I don't have to worry about when and if I can dress so after 6 months although still terribly enjoyable to dress and buy nice clothes it has just become part of my day , however if the question had been " do you fancy yourself " then my stock answer would be " yes I fancy myself " , im a proud and hopefully feminine sexy woman and after living 53 years in a body and persona that I hated why would,nt I fancy myself , having said this I fully understand the question especially for anyone who does,nt or cant dress everyday , that transference from male to female is undoubtedly often accompanied by a certain amount of sexual arousal ..and why not , whats wrong with fancying that hot woman that just appeared in the mirror, you created her and shes probably the next best thing to your dream woman ! xxxxx
June 16, 2013 7:08 PM BST
My sexuality as Andrea is very different to any residual sexuality that mooches about my male persona. It feels like a very comfortable female type of sexuality, made up of wanting to be desired and to relate physically and emotionally to my lovers.....probably similar to what many women feel personally about their own sexuality. Andrea does have her moments of magnificence in bed.... My male persona's a bit of a wanker really!