January 10, 2013 7:51 PM GMT
Half of the time, to be brutally honest, I do feel Gender is Irrelevant.... but I feel we are just conditioned to accept, that you must be one gender or the other... so, It becomes a confusing and daunting discussion...
I was always told as a kid, you are a boy, you must do boys things, go play football, rugby, or play with action men, not play with your big sisters hair dressing doll head thing...
And to which as I got older, and started secondary school, I was forced into doing such naive activity's as Football and Rugby, and hated the lot... I just never got the appeal of kicking a ball around for an hour for PE... I preffered Cross country running, or Swimming...
But, like we say Society and the whole system we abide by is built on Male and Female...
But then labeling my self, or pigeon holing my self, I do call my Transgendered, on the understanding of the term, that I don't feel like a guy, I feel like a Woman, and have always abided by more feminine attributes all my life...
I mean, before I let Jennifer be, I'd have guys I know poke fun at me for showering in a more feminine manner, whilst having to use, communal festival showers... but with I'm always back to shower, and let it run down, and rub my hands through my scalp, to make sure the Shampoo and Conditioner reaches my roots properly, and not just the top layer of hair....
But even when I have to be guy, I'm rarely seen without Eyeliner, and short nails...
But, like I said, It's a funny old subject, and could go on and on, into many different areas...
If we go into Law, sometimes, I feel, most laws are just created because Politicians, are clueless on how to sort the Issues out...
With, the subject of Transgender people, this should be taught in Schools, as part of the national curriculum, and all helpful resources laid out... If I'd known as a kid, what I know, I'd be damn well full time now.
Even now, I can walk into shops, and look for clothes, and be given looks of disgust If, I'm in boring guy mode...
Anyway, this is just my little waffle on this here subject... now to crack on with finishing my 3rd radio show

January 10, 2013 8:04 PM GMT
Sorry Josephine it was not my intention to discriminate against c\d or anybody , i was just making the point that with so many sub groups and titles people dont know where to place themselves , the reason i chose to use c\d\ to illustrate my point was that it is my understanding that the term " Transgender " is applied to those who wish to transition and live as a woman full time , whereas many of my c\d friends have no wish to transition but still choose to use the term " Transgender " , i have no problem with this but that is my understanding of the term transgender according to the sites that i visited during my research , i think this illustrates the whole problem with classifications , but please do not for a moment believe that i would judge anyone on this site or any other , we are all here for each other and here to support each other , i would have thought that you know me better than that and i am quite insulted at your accusation of discrimination , all i have done is post my feelings and observations on this forum .
I dont wish to get into an argument with you , but can we not speak freely for fear of being accused of discrimination , most upsetting Josephine .
January 10, 2013 8:49 PM GMT
Let me appologise Jet. I took my cue from the subtitle of this site "social networking for the transgender community" and thought most people here used the term for all those who use the site. As you say about the only thing we do know is whatever the word it starts with trans. I am sorry for accusing of discrimination and take it back unreservedly.
January 10, 2013 8:52 PM GMT
Thanks Josephine , its forgotten ! , this does illustrate the point about titles , when i joined i had the impression that everyone had the same impression as me , way too many labels eh babe ? i also apologise for my reaction , friends again ? xxxxxxxx
January 10, 2013 9:56 PM GMT
There are so many lables others use to describe us and those that we are comfortable with ourselves. To anyone who wants to take it up:- how would you explain the various lables you are familiar with and which one do you use to describe yourself? (and why)