Hell no!! Hahaha! I'm looking for music and relaxing. Not great sport fans in this house.
I don't watch a great deal of TV. If its on in the living room, then I watch what the guys are watching. Though I'm looking forward to The Game of Thrones coming back on. I've got into a few of the series that the lads watch like The Walking Dead etc, but tend to watch the recorded shows back to back rather than on the night.
Well I've started again with the radio thing. Now I'm going through all my music trying to put it into some sort of order. I have it saved all over the place. Bad Adele!
I've put music I'm thinking of using into a folder and been playing with Virtual DJ and Audacity.
Hubby never has the time to help, he's only home for a few days and for some reason I don't get a look in. *sniffs*