September 25, 2012 1:21 PM BST
I tend to wear what makes me happy,i dont tend to spend to much time on what others think,if nice compliments and comments follow then thats really nice.
As for borrowing,well i have enough of my own things in my wardrobe,pretty sorted really,however as my partner and i both have same shoe size i ofton borrow the odd pair of shoes or boots,having said that,shes from time to time has borrowed my shoes too,so i guess between us,we definitely got the shoe area covered lol.

September 25, 2012 2:23 PM BST
I wear what I want to wear, it's for me. I don't borrow I have enough of my own things in my xx Jay xx
September 25, 2012 2:30 PM BST
I just wear what I like and what I feel good in. What others think is their problem
September 25, 2012 2:38 PM BST
The first question was do I dress for my partner? No but not because I don't want to rather she doesn't want to see Jo yet.
Do I dress for a potential partner? Yes. Choosing an outfit to fit the situation and the people I will be meeting is important. I neither want to stand out as weird or get lost in the background. Would you wear a ball gown to a funeral? So who is my potential partner? Firstly my wife, so that if she ever did see me she would be proad of me. Who after that? I'll leave that for another forum.
Do I borrow my wife's clothes? No. The nearest fit is our shoe size but I like heels and she doesn't.
Does my wife dress to please me? On a daily basis, no as she teaches young children and practicality takes precedence. At other times, I think she dresses to please both of us. If I ever say I don't like her outfit she is likely to change. But after 30 years she knows what pleases me.
When it comes to being dressed in drab/work clothes, I do not dress to impress my boss!
September 25, 2012 3:30 PM BST
Once upon a time I cared what people thought about what I wore. Not any more. No matter what you wear (as long as it's not outlandish), some people will like it and some hate it. I wear skirts or dresses all the time, never trousers.
Having said that, I've found myself choosing outfits I hope my girlfriend will like when she visits, but we're only five months into the relationship. That'll probably change.
I don't borrow her clothes, because we're different sizes, and we have different tastes.
September 25, 2012 4:24 PM BST
Dress for my partner - never she already having great difficulties to accept my dressing in the closet!! Dressing for friends, yes as well as my own pleasure. Do no longer borrow clothes as they do not fit and no longer same taste!! When going in public, I take special care to blend in as much as possible which so far have given me great pleasure and permitted me to be accepted as Hlene to the fitting room for bras, etc at M+S (it was really great!)
September 25, 2012 5:37 PM BST
No way its all about if i like it and makes me feel good
September 25, 2012 6:06 PM BST
don't give a fook x
September 25, 2012 7:05 PM BST
i love to wear what i want ! ouch ! i just got a clip round the ear from Sharon ! lol some of my dress sense is a bit bizzare, but i am trying !

September 25, 2012 9:44 PM BST
maybe i am an old bore, i just wear casual and everyday wear now. not bothered as it is what i like to wear. love collette XXX.
September 25, 2012 10:39 PM BST
Whether or not I think that I do or don't care how I dress because of what others may think I think it is is fair to say that like everyone I like to dress for the occasion - sometimes the "occasion" fits with other people's likes or expectations, sometimes it doesn't but in both cases I am making a judgement about how what I like to wear will impact on others and then probably making decisions on the back of that judgement. In other words - a bit of both!
Used to borrow stuff, don't now.
September 25, 2012 11:34 PM BST
lets see do i worry about what i wear, no not really my everyday wear is pretty androgynous, girls jeans/trousers, trainers ect, but going out i tend to have my own style a mix of goth, hippy and trendy,
yeah i borrow my partners stuff but only cuz she is normally wearing my clothes or what i wanted to wear, helps when you have same size feet and dress size
September 26, 2012 1:00 PM BST
do i care what people think well yes and no this is why i dont go out much dressed. on the other hand im a goth so i always look different in drab in this instance no. inside i am the only one that sees me so no i dont care. though when and if i do venture out i dont want to stand out. do i borrow no me and the mrs a way different sizes and for that reason i have built up quite a wardrobe
September 26, 2012 7:51 PM BST
if i tried to borrow my partners stuff i would have to choose between using my crutches or holding the tents up, as she is much bigger than me now, and she is always saying i should put on some weight, no thank you, i am happy with my weight, which is 10st 10lb---11st 2lb on average. and as i have said i wear what i like, casual and very rarely a short skirt and big boots lol. love collette XXX.
September 26, 2012 10:43 PM BST
Tend not to worry what others think and I wear what I like. Sometimes casual, sometimes glam and other times.... well I'll let you use your imaginations.
As for borrowing I've enough that I don't need to.... Could use another wardrobe though.
September 27, 2012 11:18 AM BST
I know this forum is not really for me but i always care what other people think. At work i must look like i know what I'm doing or my client could have trouble getting a good rapport with me as i would loose pennies so jeans & what i call tit tops won't do, but will when out in the day, i must confess i like knowing that my breasts are being looked at. When I'm out at night i like people to see me and to like what they see, it's nice when a stranger sparks up conversation or asks me if i would like a drink.
September 27, 2012 11:33 AM BST
i dress for me and if i get compliments its a fab boost i cant say i dont care what others think as i like being told i look good (vain lol) but if i like it i will wear it hugs xxxxxx
September 27, 2012 11:35 AM BST
I agree with Amy and Becky on this - I dress for me...I dress down for everyday life but wear what I like when I go out..I don't really dress for anyone else but myself ( I know....selfish and I dont borrow from my other half..:)
September 27, 2012 12:37 PM BST
I wear what I want as it makes me feel comfortable, and confidentto go out as Samantha with being ridiculed etc whilst looking around or at the til by ignorant or anti- transgendered person, our money is as good as the next, if firms or the staff feel anti towards us then make it known so we can give their businesses a very wide berth, but then thats where they would or maybe find themsleves up for transgendered/sexual discrimination
September 27, 2012 9:17 PM BST
As being a Lover of Metal Music, and having dressed alternatively for years, and got a crap for it in the past, It's a simple answer no... I don't give a monkeys what people think about the way I dress!
As Jennifer, I'll wear Long or short Dresses, Corsets, what ever takes my liking Gothic to Classy etc.