June 18, 2012 10:24 AM BST
I wouldnt mind doing a slot on here, I think its an audience I am suited to, but if no one liked it, fair enough, I can atleast say I had a go! My playlisting is the sort rough outline for what i would play, but nothing too hard unless it was asked for, but my music covers a varied genre from the lats 70's new wave right up to now, some of it may be cheezy at times but i suppose you have to sometimes eh?
June 18, 2012 10:29 AM BST
Kittie`s Got Talent then - Coming Soon !!
I get a bit bothered by the cheese factor, not really a lot of need for it if you think a playlist through ,i`ll chat to you in private about this Kittie i`m very interested in hearing your ideas.
June 18, 2012 11:08 AM BST
Well we'll let ohter people decide it Kittie has talent lol Don't worry the cheez factor wouldnt be a problem, I can easily mow through the records

But thanks anyway Fiona for your time and help on this
June 18, 2012 11:11 AM BST
I`m all ears on this Kittie, look forward to hearing your work
June 18, 2012 5:23 PM BST
she does have a natural look and i think she looks sooo pretty i wished i had her boobs lol
and if she is well done to her and the beeb
June 18, 2012 5:31 PM BST
<blockquote><strong><a href="/se4/profile/FionaJaneCole">Fiona Cole</a> said:</strong><br />Many a T Girl would relish owning those boots !</blockquote><br />
There you go. Dresses like a T-girl as well. lol