July 12, 2014 8:55 PM BST
I so thought of this today, but being here at the post I forget it... more interestingly I can say I was about 5... no wait, I was 10!!! and we got "Smurf bags"

they were orange oilcloth, but... after a short while my older sister didn't like me carrying my bag everywhere :grrr: so she secretly gave it away to a jumble sale!!! :wahhh:
Well, just so happens we all went to the jumble sale and I saw the bag, with my name written inside it! & so I asked my Mum for 10p so's that I could buy my bag back ;p
July 13, 2014 10:57 PM BST
my first girly thing was a bra and a skirt i ordered them from a catalog and i had to pick them up at the store that was a lot of fun