April 19, 2012 7:07 PM BST
14 matching sets at the last count , all hung up on clothes racks on the hangers they come with ( bras and knickers ) it looks like a shop in my bedroom ! colours seperated so i can choose at a glance , most are slightly padded and all are 38 b \ c and all are laundered on the hand wash setting ! most i buy from George at Asda , that is one thing that they do well and they generally have a lovely selection , i mainly buy white , black or red , im not really into flowery and patterned underwear , and i cant bring myself to buy cotton stuff ( yeuch its a bit school kid ) , it must be classy and sexy .
April 19, 2012 11:01 PM BST
I have 2 bars and 1 matching set acquired just this morning

Very nice it is too.
April 19, 2012 11:19 PM BST
Well you have to start some time! Welcome
I would really have to count them. I got rid of several two months ago. Since I only wear them at home(to bed or dressing up) I wear maybe 4 or 5 in the past month. I will have to see about this and reply later.