October 12, 2011 6:26 PM BST
Many thanks for your comments, it goes along way with me, as for support, there is a group in Portsmouth.
But I do sense very strongly that if I turned up at the centre where the meetings are held as Samantha, I think I would be the laughing stock as it is held at a very large sports centre in a function room, I did join the MS Society's LGB&T page called Glams asking for advice & support etc but not a word came back, people had read the article I had wrote, but not a single reply so much for support from the UK's biggest MS Charity, even the local ms branch are weird, they are all old fuddy duddies, "stick-in-the-mud" people, so I dont turn to them for help or advice.
My family is not close, I actually think they would disown me as once I made a joke about it and my parents face was in disgust, they said you dont do you and I quickly played it down and said no, but I have met alot of supportive people on various t girl sites and we have spoke about the illness and how it will get alot worse to the point I will be in a wheelchair or blind or blind and in a wheelchair.
So it is a very difficult time to go through as I have no one to turn to, 2 ex girlfriends didnt understand about the dressing up part, and the last ex couldnt cope with the illness as the way if started to affect my day-to-day life.
Yes I have thought about moving away and starting afresh as Samantha, but I have a council flat as I was having severe problems with stairs, if I moved I would have to start all over again at the bottom then trying to get a place etc and then its the treatment etc as we all know how the "postcode lottery" is with the NHS.
And yes I have thougth about hanging up my stockings and boots and calling it a day on Samantha, but I love being Samantha so much, I have even answered my phone in a soft feminine voice as i totally forgot and the person ringing as said it that me, and I would say yes just choked on a cup of tea etc, even if I have been out in male mode and someone calls my female persona name Samantha, I have turned round and said something, and then say what did you say, yes so I have close calls when in male mode but love to be Samantha all the time, from when I get up til I go to bed, and then put a nice nightie or girly pyjamas on or chemise and french knickers etc.
Thanks again for your lovely comments and remarks.
hugs and kisses to all my girl friends
Samantha xxx