How Much Make up do you Wear

    • 866 posts
    February 12, 2012 11:50 AM GMT
    Max Factor is owned by P&G, and has been discontinued in the USA; I don't know about the UK.

    I use Laval "perfect finish make up", which i bought over 2 years ago on E Bay (I cant remember what i paid), as a beard cover.

    For "setting powder" I use collection 2000 sheer loose powder which was from either Drugstore or Boots and is cheap.

    I have toyed with the idea of using Sheer Cover powders, as they were designed to cover acne and facial scarring -
    But I donbt know how much is advertising puff and what is real
    One thing i have found is that I use less make up than 15 years ago...I don't trowel it on any more, so its more subtle.

    Hope that helps in some way. hugs Pauline xxx
    • 27 posts
    February 12, 2012 12:39 PM GMT
    I only realy wear eye liner (both pencil and liquid) and mascara on my eyes as i think they look a bit crap if i use shadow.
    When i mention this to people they seam to think that i need advice on how to apply eye make-up,i don't i just think it looks a bit crap on me,i always have done.I do my friends when we all go out and they look good so must be my eyes.
    This post was edited by Deleted Member at February 12, 2012 12:41 PM GMT
    • 199 posts
    February 13, 2012 6:47 PM GMT
    I try the maxim that less is best, although I am long sighted.... so 'smoky eyes' is easier to create if you can only see a smdgy blur in front of you! OH and essential is a good skin primer to go under the foundaiton, it fills in the pores and help to smooth out the skin!
    • 23 posts
    February 15, 2012 7:30 AM GMT
    started off with a lot of makeup, etc, but after a few professional make-overs, now much more restrictive in its use. Use a light brown cream to equalise the skincolour in the winter, then "Dermablend" to cover the beardcolour and finishing off with loose powder which seems to do well as nobody have made comments when out in public. Use ofcourse mascara, lipstick, eyeliner, etc and if out in the evening false eyelashes. In addition use an almost white/beige powder under the eyes and just under the eyebrows to make it a more "attractive" look. With all the makeup and perfune (as also like this!), the budget for cosmetics have sky-rocketed!