July 31, 2015 1:22 PM BST
Interesting question. As I’m technically a part timer when I do dress fully fem’ it’s the the wig, make-up, nails and heels make a big difference.
Day to day I simply try to let the more feminine aspects of my personality. Tight jeans, clear nail strengthener, a little jewellery and occasionally some BB cream - great stuff. As well as smelling nice, keeping clean. Going to the gym a few times a week and moisturiser all over. Gotta look after what you got!
For me it is the whole looking after myself better and trying to ’think differently’ not just an Apple slogan

There are a lot of more negative male traits I don’t want in my life and it’s so easy to fall into an easy option. I also accept some male traits happily of course.
Hope that makes some bloody sense to someone.
For now I’ve answered the level of importance from your list below in ‘out of ten’ for me as Rachael did early on.
1 - 4/10
2 - 6/10
3 - 8/10
4 - 7/10
5 - 9/10
6 - 9/10
7 - 8/10
8 - 1/10
9 - …
10 - 9/10