Transtastic TV

  • J L
    • 54 posts
    July 14, 2014 10:02 PM BST
    Well, it would be cool, a British version, and we just have 3 or 4 studios, and they are vetted by us, so its not like going along to one and getting taken advantage of.

    We turn up, maybe with our own clothes, maybe we get to borrow some from there, we get a warm welcoming environment and we get girls who are experienced and can help us with make up and things, so we can just make a fashion show, and btw,

    The clothes show is coming back to our tv's and Caryn Franklin came into the shop where I work and she's ok to talk to, and I've seen her say that they want to get different body shapes! :woah:

    so dunno if I'd be able to get her to do a Trans clothes show, but, seeing as she is doing clothes show, maybe the world is ready for a Trans Clothes show...

    Anyway, its just what I was thinking, would love it to happen.