July 11, 2014 1:42 PM BST
XxxxxxxxxxxxX :mmmmmwah:
A trip to get my knee x rayed!!! What could possibly go wrong? NOTHING!
got to shopping centre (knee xray incedental, done and dusted, moving on to next bit

H&M looking, looking, still not managing to convince myself, still finding excuses not to buy... tut tut tu!
Walked around, just enjoying myself, walking back towards car park, go into New Look, they have some nice shoes in New Look, but they are pricey... gawd, I don't help myself huh, making myself seem cheap...
So, talked myself out of New Look shoes, but wait, H&M I did quite like the shoes, and they were considerably less cost... so I'm back in H&M, choosing, choosing, chosen!, looking at boots, looking at and got myself two lovely hair clips, yes!
They have over the knee socks in the reduced section, which can be really difficult to find, but the colour wasn't appealing..., so over to the checkout, the girl at the till looked panic stricken, but we were calm, and best of all we were both polite with each other and by the end of it she warmly wished me a good day

queue, music blasting in the car, biggest smile on my face in living memory!
ok. This is good, but the shoes are black, a bit boring perhaps, so step one accomplished, but I have got to go and puch the boat a bit further!
extra: I was in shopping centre, wanted to get the shoes on... but people would see me changing my shoes :wah: there is some seating, I can use that, everytime I walk to the seat people stand by it, or near kit, :grrrr:
but no, I am sat down now, :wah: the shoes are still tied togther with elastic!!!!! Why didn't I ask the shop girl to cut it for me?! but I am sat there and determined, and I undo the knot ( I am good at undoing knots), the shoes are on!

I feel like the most special person.
Def con one my friends, def con one (pwei)