Earlier this evening I was reading the Top Ten list of what people find most annoying in a phone call, or rather a cold call.
Here is the lovely list below thanks BBC - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27540178
PPI claims 13%
Insurance 9%
Home and loft insulation 8%
Market research 8%
Home improvements 7%
Energy 7%
Solar panels 6%
Phone and broadband 5%
Financial products 5%
Accident claims 4%
However hard all of us try to block these calls, texts and emails somehow they break though and I don't know about you but my spam box is full most mornings in both my girl and boy email IDs. Full of junk.
So I got to wondering about what is the most annoying contact that you have ever had from someone you don't know. I have listed below some of the ones I have had on this and other social contact sites.
1. A guy with no face pic makes an on line contact with you - and his opening is "fancy a shag tonite?" There are variations on that - such things as guys whose profile pix is of their genitalia (not on Transtastic of course) where they somehow expect us special girls to swoon away at the sight of their 7 or 8 incher (never smaller of course). His conversation skills of course are monosyllabic.
2. Guy chats you up on line and wants to meet with you, but he has no face pic. He cannot understand why for safety reasons you want to see a face pic before you meet - and says..."well when we meet at Costas for a coffee I will know what you look like"...duh
3. You chat with another Tgirl and agree to meet, after having spent ages chatting and finding lots in common. Having had a few "bad"experiences meeting other Tgirls, you ask for a text 24 hrs ahead and another 1hrs or 2hrs before the time you have agreed that you will meet. In spite of all of that - she doesn't show.
Those are 3 of my pet hates. I am sure that you have others - like people asking to be a friend and then never messaging or talking. And this is not just a Tgirl thing as I know from chatting to a few close admirers they think that many Tgirls are economical with the truth - so many times either they don't show or do nasty tricks like giving the guy the wrong address.
So come on girls and guys say what gets you about those first contacts - whether its on line or in a bar or other social venue. And maybe as well as the dross there are a few good ones?
Pauline xxx