October 24, 2013 5:48 PM BST
I hope you wont be disappointed ...this is not about creams to make your boobs get larger, but about creams to prevent them ageing faster than the rest of your body.
Earlier this week it was reported that breast tissue ages around three years faster than any other part of the body. While there's not a lot you can do about this internal ageing, there is something you can do about outer signs such as crepey skin, sun spots, sagging and wrinkles. So, what are the best ways to halt - or even reverse - these visible signs, and make sure your best assets grow old as gracefully as the rest of you?
Would you spend £75 on a cleavage facial? No, this is not a joke: at London’s Ark salons (arkskincare.com) you can have a Cleavage Skin Response Facial that combines exfoliation and oils with masks and massage to firm, hydrate and nourish the skin.
If you would rather pamper yourself in private, you could even invest in 24k gold collagen breast masks (£52, jamelaskincare.co.uk). They come in a pack of ten and look rather like golden flowers with the centre cut out. Simply slip them into place and, claim the manufacturers, the combination of gold and plant collagen will help to increase cellular metabolism and tighten the skin, making it feel smoother and firmer. (see photo for what they look like....)
Basically the advice seems to be to moisturise the decollette and cleavage area. And whilst few of us ( if any) will suffer from droopy boob syndrome we may have crepey skin in that area from too much sun worshipping. However more expensive solutions are available
'Many of the treatments that have been successfully used to rejuvenate the face can also be used effectively on the decollete,' says Lorna Jackson, editor of consulting room.com, a website that provides independent information about aesthetic treatments. 'Laser treatment (from £100) remains a good option for zapping the dark spots that are the legacy of sun worshipping, and chemical peels can also work well.'
Platelet Rich Plasma (from about £350) - also known as Dracula Therapy or Vampire Therapy because it involves drawing blood from the patient, separating out the platelets and reinjecting them into the skin - has become a popular form of skin rejuvenation and has been used successfully on the decollete, as well as the face.
One of the latest treatments - fat nanografting - involves harvesting fat from the patient, usually from their buttocks or stomach, then breaking it down into tiny particles that can be injected into the face or decollete. 'It's not simply about adding volume: when you inject fat, lines are smoothed and you get a glow that wasn't there before,' says plastic surgeon, Patrick Mallucci. 'We think that’s down to the stem cells you find in it - it gives skin its sparkle back.'
So when you think about it you have some serious choices. You can use Nivea or Sudocreme for less than a fiver, or Dracula Therapy (especially on October 31st) from £350. Maybe being a tranny isnt that bad after all????
Pauline xxx