November 14, 2017 3:30 PM GMT
I have simplified the search criteria a bit so it should be easier to use now. However, I have discovered that the 'Where' field is not working and returns no results. I will ask the developers to look at that.
I tried entering various town and city names into the Town/City field and it worked fine. Instead of 6000+ results I received only the members who actually live in those places, which is what we want.
And thanks for thinking about making a contribution. Unfortunately it's always a bit of a chicken and egg thing because some people say they won't contribute until everything is perfect but it never will be because we cannot afford to pay for the work involved until people step up and donate something towards the work that needs to be carried out.
And remember too, that search is just one part of this enormous site. Over the last year we have spent a large amount on improving the Photo Galleries, Forums, Blogs, Events area and the Profiles page and we've added many new features like Dating tools and Personal Ads, plus we've improved the site speed and made numerous improvements under the bonnet which you may never see. Most of the cost has come out of my own pocket but I cannot afford to subsidise this free site for much longer. We really need members to start helping out or we may lose everything.
Hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any more search problems and I'll add them to the list of things that need fixing.