Maria, we've talked a lot about this on this site and my understanding of the collected wisdom is:
- No-one gives a shit. People live in their own bubbles and have their own shit to deal with. They don't need to worry about a stranger in different clothes.
-There's always an arsehole. Whether you are too fat, too thin, too black, too white, disabled, have long hair, have green hair, there is always an arsehole who might comment. BUT that's part of life and they are VERY rare.
I think the saddest thing I've found lately is the opposite to people commenting. I DON'T pass at all and I am quite Amazonian and I think often, ok VERY often LOL, I scare/frighten people

That's a shame!
This post was edited by Julie Hawkwood at June 8, 2013 4:01 PM BST
Just an idea I had if you're really nervous. Try going to the movies. After all, these days you can buy your ticket and get seated without even having to talk to anyone, and once you're in its an hour or two of being in the gloom so few if anyone is going to notice you, and if they do they'll just blame it on the light. Meanwhile you can relax and enjoy the movie.
August 4, 2013 4:41 AM BST
well, bit the bullet and went out in public last night and tonight. nothing special, just drove to a couple of places, took a couple of walks around town and stuff. anyway, so far i haven't had one negative comment, or even as much as one dodgy look. i've come to the conclusion there's three possibilities. one is that the vast majority of people just don't pay any attention to anyone and wouldn't notice how you looked. second is that maybe every person who looks at me knows right off that i'm a trannie but doesn't feel they have to let me know it (respect maybe, but i doubt it) and third is the possibility that maybe (and this is my real hope, although i'm not convincing myself) the majority just take me for a woman and see no reason to think otherwise. anyway, i'm so happy within myself that i've taken these first steps although i do worry that i'll want to become maria full time, which isn't an option right now.
This post was edited by maria mcghee at August 4, 2013 4:42 AM BST
August 5, 2013 9:54 PM BST
Hi Maria, I finally did it a couple of months ago, after seeing an event on here.I got up the courage and mentioned it to my girlfriend. I have never been out of the house dressed up and she dared me to do it. Of course, I didn't need much persuasion and we were soon deciding on my outfit. We opted for a cute little orange dress with leggings (nothing too tarty for my 1st time!).
As the evening approached I started to get to get nervous but just thought "it's now or never" so started getting ready in plenty of time.
A long shower and all over shave to make me nice and girly. Cute underwear on, including my new push up wonderbra, shortie thong and corset, then the make up. My girlfriend painted my finger nails (toes still done from a couple of nights previous) and helped tie my hair up. On with the heels, a quick drink and smoke, then time to sprint down the drive without the neighbours spotting was only 6.30pm.
The drive there was eventless but sooooo one even glanced. I would have appreciated a wolf whistle or wink at least but no-one suspected a thing. Confidence building it was time to park..i was hoping to get right outside Scarlet's ( the great place run by Sarah and Jennifer) but no, 2 streets away. I started to panic and considered going home but again my gf convinced me I would be ok so I parked up in a busy Blackpool street in broad daylight, got out of the car and clicked my heels all the way to the initial meeting point. i was, walking the streets dressed as a girl. Again, no comments or looks that I know of but I did have my head down, especially as a couple with a little girl came towards me crossing the road! Haven't had a full night out again yet but will be doing soon and hope you do too. Life's too short !! x
October 14, 2013 4:44 PM BST
You've no worries Maria you look fab. x
November 19, 2013 8:44 AM GMT
Maria, I wish I had your looks and figure. I went out for the first time last year and was scared stiff, didn't look at anyone, didn't go in shops and wanted to get back to the car. I went out again not long after and still avoided situations where I had to walk past people, I also made the emistake of wearing heels which gave me a blister. After that I went to Southport and had a great day, went in a shop and bought petrol. Then there was no stopping me. Last week I went back to Southport and did all sorts of stuff including park and ride, using the ladies, Debemhams, Boots, etc. The more you get out the easier it is. I gave myself goals to achieve like going in Asda and buying some knickers for example. Last time I dressed casual in jeans and boots and my winter coat. I don't consider myself passable but as other girls have said people are in their own little world and although some do catch your eye and give you the 'look'. I came out of Morrisons and 2 lads saw me and one of them said, 'was that a tranny?' to his mate. They came back out for a second look which was quite flattering. :-D In the shops I spoke to several assistants in my own voice just a little softer and all was fine. Be confident, look up and give people a smile if they look at you and you'll be fine. x