May 28, 2013 12:15 PM BST
Well....a tricky one as it seems that spring or summer only lasted for 2 days before the cold and wet returned.
So maybe forget the cute shorts, sundresses and rope sandals with a big beach bag..... and opt for wellies and a cardy?.
Most of us here on Transtastic live on a rock off the NW west coast of Europe and the weather is supposed to be temperate. I know I was thrilled to get into summer dresses on Saturday and Sunday, and almost glum when it was back to a sensible dress, leggings and a cardy yesterday.
What sort of advice do any of you have to survive the British summer....
1. Go somewhere else to get the sun
2. Eat chocolate
3. Drink lots of booze to stay warm
4. Pretend you are at Glastonbury and wear wellies and the boho look for gardening
Maybe some of you have better suggestions and with Sparkle only about 6 weeks away you have plans for if it rains in Manchester in mid July?
Pauline xxxx
May 28, 2013 12:36 PM BST
Have lots of sex, but hang on a minute some people won't like that - i suggest change your butcher, by a hot tub, then have lots of sex!
Liz xxx

May 28, 2013 12:57 PM BST
Wear warm clothes, keep the heating on and drink a lot of alcohol. xxx
What to wear for Sparkle - now what would the women in my life take? Leggings and tops which can be layered. Stupidly short skirts with floaty tops which can again be layered (that's from my daughters). Skirts which come just above the knee and tops which can be layered (from my wife). Humph, I'm beginning to see a pattern - tops that can be layered. Oh scarves/pashminas in case the night turns chilly.
Now what am I going to wear? I think that'll be a surprise for everyone.
See you all there.
Another tip/thought, the best cure for hypothermia is to buddy up in bed. So Liz and Mal may have the right idea yet.
Book a room in Canal Street and bar hop until the money runs out by which time i doubt if you'd care what you wear lol xxx
Get out and about and go shopping dressed in warm clothes. Forget the weather it is nearly always the same in the UK bloody cold.
Josephine's scarves recommendation is excellent, they're very versatile, but be careful, a blonde friend of mine has had to return every scarf she's ever bought as they were all too tight!
Brolly and Bolly sound good to me xx
May 28, 2013 11:18 PM BST
Wear what you want and don't care what the weather is like but have a brolly handy xx
PVC mac will get you into many fetish clubs and keep you dry when it doesn't.