April 22, 2013 3:24 PM BST
The long trips Josephine, often had en-route hotel stopovers, so more chance to sleep!.. airlines like Pan Am and BOAC. A typical flight from Europe to Japan might start in London, stop in Frankfurt, Athens, Bahrain, Delhi, Bangkok and Hong Kong before finally reaching Tokyo. Airlines purposefully designed some air hostess uniform with short skirts, so they would ride up the thighs when putting luggage in the overhead lockers! XXX
April 22, 2013 5:53 PM BST
Knowing our luck, we'd end up on BEA on short trips with one lay over a week! But we can dream.
Going back to that era it would have to be TWA as I like red uniform. Even if it means dealing with American businessmen I could make a few exceptions.
April 22, 2013 8:48 PM BST
would you believe it was a Brownie dress that started my love affair with dressing when i was 7 lol all thanks to my mother and a fancy dress party x
April 22, 2013 10:35 PM BST
I had a Saturday job in BHS and always hoped they'd make a mistake and issue me with the girls uniform.
I did try on my sisters guide uniform but it didn't feel girly enough!
April 22, 2013 11:46 PM BST
Us larger TGirls are on a hiding to nothing when it comes to female uniforms, you can't get them in the larger sizes. I've gone to wartime re-enactment weekends for some years and would dearly like to go as a WREN or WAAF (WAAC uniforms are far too butch!) but I just have not been able to find a vintage or repro uniform anything near my size. I've had to go as a female civvy which is not the same. I can't even find male uniforms my size; I'm sure the war was fought by pygmies! I had to plump for an American major's outfit (they grow them a damn sight bigger over the pond). There are a few outfitters that make to measure but you are talking hundreds of pounds!
How about someone clever putting together a Transtastic outfit with items chosen from cheap outlets that also stock larger (ie OS) sizes. What a dash we would cut walking in formation at Sparkle and other similar events!
April 23, 2013 12:17 AM BST
Trines - that sounds like a business plan. If I had any money I would invest in it.
I like the Native American Squaw outfit - the buckskin looks so nice. Ok not a uniform but you know what I mean.
April 23, 2013 7:43 AM BST
Hiiiiiiii Ok? Im totally agree whit Andrea , air hostes yes i love them butno tlolley dollies iI the lw cost , NO PLEASE. I like the uniform in Jackie Brown "Quentin tarantino" , but i really enjoy whit vintage staff. Air hostess in concorde serving Moet or another Black wine even in plastic glasses , WHY NOT?. But my favorite one is the internacional rock and roll star looking for a new style in the pandoras box. Anybody know where is Pandoras box? jijijii Am i bored? xxxx
This post was edited by CLAUDIA GARCIA ROBERTS at April 23, 2013 7:49 AM BST
April 23, 2013 8:03 AM BST
hiiiii ,dear Joshepine bussines mens are eventually very busy in short trips , I was in Sheraton Madrid yesterday and I NEARLY LOST MY ASH AND MY MIND , speaking whit one of this speccimens. He was actually virgin. HE NEVER BEEN COOKING FOR GIRLS.Now he wont back to Internacional bussines school because in so tired jijijijij OH IS NOT A SWEET HEART? XXXX
April 23, 2013 10:17 AM BST
I do have a terrible weakness for men in a uniform! I had an affair with a UN Swedish policeman in Cyprus in the 1970's.....I sometimes wore just his shirt in the bedroom for him!.....that was uber sexy!................that's Swedish policeman not chef by the way,I'm not a muppet!.......XXX
April 23, 2013 8:37 PM BST
I've always fancied myself in the WRENS - trapped on-board with all those sailors !!
April 24, 2013 11:40 AM BST
As an ex-serviceman I have always had a thing about female Military uniforms. During my time I did manage to "borrow" the odd item now and again but didn't keep any; not that they'd fit now of course

I much prefer the older uniforms from around the sixties and seventies because nowadays the uniforms are getting more unisex. In fact they're getting more uniform lol.
edited out the speeling mistooks.
This post was edited by Berni David at April 24, 2013 11:42 AM BST
April 24, 2013 1:44 PM BST
For amazing sexy uniforms! check this girl out on Flickr!!!! Rachel has more uniforms than I knew existed and wears them sometimes, very sexily, with bits missing!!!! http://www.flickr.com/photos/missrachelgreene/sets/72157605101943965/
April 25, 2013 5:32 PM BST
Don't think my uniforms would go down too well !!
April 26, 2013 1:12 PM BST
I've been chatting to a TV friend who has a collection of uniforms. Apparently she get most of them off eBay. She wouldn't say if they were authentic or not. The one time after she'd been out as a wren I did check the insignia and it was correct. I've no idea about brownies or guides uniforms but when I bought my daughters, you just give the size and order from the Guide Shop in London.