March 30, 2013 12:11 AM GMT
I while back I bought a beautiful little female Chinchilla Persian kitten with the intention of breeding her at some point.
OK, I'm about to set up a Web Page/Blog/Twitter and FB Page in anticipation of the arrival of future kittens. It'll not really be needed for about another year, but I want to secure the name and work on the site. I want to get all the pedigree info sorted and have lots of photos of Sofia Ava on there.
What I'd like are a few ideas, firstly on which Free Web Page provider to use and ideas for names for the Business (for want of a better word).
She's a white (with black/silver tipping) Chinchilla Persian with very good pedigree.
Suggested names so far by my son and husband:
Pussy Galore
Pussy Patrol
Both I've rejected for obvious reasons. hahaha!
This post was edited by Deleted Member at March 30, 2013 12:31 AM GMT
March 30, 2013 10:06 AM GMT
She looks gorgus Adele, as for names, smudge comes to mind xxx
March 30, 2013 10:41 AM GMT
Posh Pussy
March 30, 2013 1:34 PM GMT
How about Fussy Pussy Persian ??? they are fussy eaters i believe? Good afternoon darling Mwah xxx
March 30, 2013 3:58 PM GMT
Thank you ladies. I'm hoping to stay away from the word Pussy if I can.
I'm after something elegant and expensive sounding, since these cats fetch top dollar.
I won't be breeding her very often, just now and again if things work out.
Liz I have three cats. Two moggies and this little pedigree Persian, she is without a doubt the least fussy cat I've ever known. There's nothing she won't attempt to pinch and eat. In fact she's the least fussy animal I've ever known and we've kept lots of different animals over the years. Apparently her mum was the same. I thought the same as you, but for this little lady, its not true. :-D
Afternoon by the way sweet pea.
March 31, 2013 10:40 AM BST
Persian Princess?
Pauline xxx
March 31, 2013 5:29 PM BST
Elegant and expensive sounding how about Zsa Zsa
x x x
March 31, 2013 11:32 PM BST
How about something which will get the neighbours attention when you call her in - something like Pollux. (This is not serious).
April 2, 2013 10:39 AM BST
Thanks for these ladies. I'd got written down Persian Princess, Pauline, but then thought it might limit me to just having Chinchilla Persian, when maybe down the line I'll breed other cats.
Zsa Zsa is another good one Veronica.
Josephine that made me laugh. x :-D
April 2, 2013 10:44 AM BST
A few of the other breeders names are:
Reyes De Selva Cats
Celtic Mist
Posh Felines
Hmmmmm I have a good bit of time, but want to try to get it right. I want the site name to sound classy, elegant, expensive and look beautiful.
These babies retail at E750 a kitten and double that for a breeding female...though I can't sell breeding female for another three years yet.
April 2, 2013 7:20 PM BST
Try Boubak or KatAyoun - or why not check out this list of Original Persian names (see below).
You could also look under Farsi names (or people of Zorastrian descent)....a very well known Farsi was Freddy Mercury, another is Mr Tata of the Indian Tata company who own Jaguar and Rover.
Good luck.
Pauline xxxx
April 2, 2013 9:08 PM BST
FLUFF !!! xx
April 2, 2013 9:10 PM BST
Fluff as in Freeman x x x
April 2, 2013 9:19 PM BST
say what you see Veronica , as Roy Walker would say lol

April 5, 2013 6:10 AM BST
Thank you Pauline. I've taken down the webaddress and will be looking at it soon.
Thanks to all you ladies for being kind enough to answer this thread, it's much appreciated. :-)
April 9, 2013 11:42 PM BST
You could always call it Mrs Slocums little friends , she was always talking about her pussy xx