March 16, 2013 2:31 AM GMT
I'm with Josephine on this. I too, have been buying clothes whilst in drab mode occasionally holding the item close enough to get an idea, have also been dressed whilst shopping, Do not really have a problem with it any more often smiling back if some one makes a quick comment along the the lines of 'suits you', have great fun now with my very supportive missus in shops who acts as my fashion advisor using traffic lights as an indicator of what to buy.
April 24, 2013 4:53 PM BST
i have found it about the same easy as when dressed and drab mode juile
April 24, 2013 6:28 PM BST
Its sometimes nice to shake the tree and hold clothes against yourself in drab mode

) xxx
April 24, 2013 7:27 PM BST
I`m always dressed when i go shopping,be it male or fiona mode,now then anyone been shopping nude that`s a topic.!
Ultimately nobody really cares.But if you re in drab mode you might get looks just browsing through skirts or lingerie. I prefer to go the whole hog. I used to try clothes on in ASDA because they didn't have an attendant on the changing room. I've never braved the womens' changing room when dressed.
May 30, 2013 11:00 AM BST
In response to Alice's post, when shopping in drab mode and you get weird looks or comments, just reply it's for a close friend or better still say it's for Saturday night and watch the blood drain from their faces !
May 30, 2013 11:37 AM BST
I do find that if I start looking thru the racks seriously in some store when in drab mode, an assistant will soon appear asking if they can help. If they are young then I may say I'm just browsing and see if they move off. If they are older then I may say what I'm looking for and see where the conversation goes. A couple of assistants have apologised for assuming it was for my wife. Once they know it's for me they may even have opinions on what colour may suit if there is some choice. I do try to explain what I'm after as clearly as possible - not oh a dress!
June 30, 2019 4:56 PM BST
I love to shop while I’m dressed up. I especially love shopping for heels with ultra sheer pantyhose and a pink pedicure. I do get nervous though. Lots of times I’ll get a pretty girl to help me out and I think they really like treating me like a week sissy. I’ve also had people want to take pictures with me!
This post was edited by Sissygirljohnny Neeldam at June 30, 2019 4:58 PM BST