January 13, 2013 3:57 PM GMT
I can't remember the saying and can't seem to find it any place, but it was about if we could read other peoples thoughts about us, we'd probably top ourselves within a week. Obviously it was far more eloquently put than that lol
It is hard to see someone as they really are, but I don't think we're capable of showing all our faces straight off the bat. It can take a long time for us to reveal our strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities...our insanity. It's a slow process and can be wondrous or very disappointing if you build someone up in your head and don't keep a check on reality.
Most of the mistakes are made in our own heads about who a person is, not by that person being deceptive. We're very adapt in the initial phases of a relationship of building them up to impossible heights only to be disappointed when the rose tinted glasses slip.
We shouldn't start pulling that person apart because we fooled ourselves of their brilliance in our own little fantasy world created in our heads and hearts.
Does that make sense?
This post was edited by Deleted Member at January 13, 2013 4:16 PM GMT