January 8, 2013 12:52 PM GMT
Some time ago, I read the profile of a 97 year old, Psychologist. Still teaching at Harvard Law School. What struck me most in the article was that he said, reflecting back on his life, he'd realised that those people who'd come into it. He'd first thought at random. Had not done so at all. They'd all been there for a purpose.
As regards my own life, I can certainly agree with this. Not least as on two occasions the people were the catalyst for me twice, losing everything.
As a result of which, I had to learn to change my perspective on many things. Which has made me a much stronger and better person.Although it didn't appear so at the time.
I wonder if you've had similar experiences, god or bad, at the hands of people who you first thought had appeared randomly in your life, but had changed your life, for better or worse?
January 8, 2013 5:31 PM GMT
We're touched by so many things in our lives. So many people and events.
I've had some wonderful things happen to me and had a small few that were quite traumatic. I consider myself fortunate and blessed by the parents I was born to. They were/are good people and taught me so much about what's important.
Mum always told us to do everything we do out of love...always strive to do what's right. Love being a level of kindness that can be extended to anyone. Do it with a good heart and half the battle is won in life.
Can't say I've always followed this *coughs*, but when I have, it does leave me with a good feeling and a better conscience...which in itself feels right.
January 8, 2013 6:11 PM GMT
Thank you so much for your reply, Adele. Obviously, from what you've said,your parents held true to the three great spiritual values of, compassion, patience and tolerance. Mike x
January 9, 2013 11:28 AM GMT
They cost nothing pet! :-) x
January 9, 2013 12:58 PM GMT
Quite right, they don't! Unfortunately, although and perhaps because they are free, few perhaps possess them, for they cannot be bought or faked. Like most of what people see as attributes in the self absorbed, materialistic society we live in ;-) x