January 17, 2013 11:39 PM GMT
the economy isn't dead.. it's changing... we're going from owning physical items like CD's and DVD's to owning Electronic data like Mp3 Music and Mp4 Movies... we are starting to Stream more online from companies like Netflix, Lovefilm.com, iTunes etc... so it was inevitable that outlets like HMV and Blockbusters were on borrowed time....
as for Tran jobs, is there such a thing...? I get on fine in my job, it makes no difference 'what you are'.., if you can do the job you apply for, and have experience in that job, then the chance is you're going get the job on merit.. employers don't care if you're black, white, gay, or whatever... the key is to be who you are and try not to be someone you're not... honesty is best policy