Binge, Purge, Binge

    • 75 posts
    January 1, 2013 3:51 PM GMT
    I understand the psychologica surrounding this unfortunate issue, but it's the verb 'binge' I've never understood/got a problem with. What does 'binge' entail, exactly? It's a horribly negative, guilt-edged word, and in this context connotes a femy weekend on the lash of CDing, but how is that defined, personally? How feminine does one have to become before it's considered a 'binge'? A 'binge' of CDing?

    (In the interests of transparency, I've binbagged 'Daryl' a few times, only to rescue her a day or two later, rummaging through the egg shells, vegetable oil and tinned hot dog sausages -- confessionally -- getting a slight kick out of resurrecting her. Sadly, the wigs rarely make it through the washing machine agreeably.)
