99% sure Buddhism swings both ways and in the middle,
I believe they see people as one of a kind and one of the same
that’s my understanding of there stand point, , :-)
This post was edited by Devon :) READ THE BLOODY PROFILE PEOPLE ! at December 15, 2012 10:25 PM GMT
I was only watching something the other night on how the Buddhist faith embraces all. How families support their children that want to be TV or go further.
This post was edited by Deleted Member at December 16, 2012 1:55 AM GMT
No its not hahaha. That's just the monks, I believe. The program I watched was about lady boys in Thailand. There were some absolutely stunning girls there.
Thanks Adele...lol..yer, I read the Buddist Bible in my hotel room in Bangkok...lots of it sat well with me.
I have to admit to seeing my ONLY 'non gorgeous' ladyboy in a Pat Pong market, one night.
This post was edited by Penny Haywood at December 16, 2012 12:19 PM GMT
HI. I go to a CofE church regularly. Whilst I haven't gone dressed before I don't thinkit would be an issue with the vicar - but might with a few of the parishoners. It might in other parishes and/or other vicars but I think it depends on the individual parish, not the particular strain of religion.
This post was edited by Summer Time at April 14, 2013 12:32 PM BST