November 18, 2012 5:29 PM GMT
Planning a day out in london next month dressed as Emily, and wondered if
anyone has any tips/advice/experience (good or bad) of going around london
in daytime dressed en-femme.
Currently biggest obsticle is having to change in my car at a different
station because my wife will be at home (she is unaware of my crossdressing).
Although I live only 5 mins walk from a station which is 40mins journey
to London, going to drive a few stations down the line where I can park
Anyway, any advice appreciated as this will be only my 3rd time outside
dressed, and I'm going to be a very small vulnerable fish in a big sea of 'Muggles'
Emily x
This post was edited by Deleted Member at November 18, 2012 5:30 PM GMT
November 18, 2012 11:45 PM GMT
Well, don't forget the tubes are quite windy - so hold onto your wig (in a cooler way as you can).
Just have fun!
x Becca
November 19, 2012 8:14 AM GMT
Just remember people only see what they want to see - if they want to see a woman they'll see one. Sounds corny but basically true. My first trip out was magical as 99% couldn't care less. I suppose the normal tip would be to blend in but I'll reverse that and say "be yourself", that way you feel natural and things will go well.
November 19, 2012 4:51 PM GMT
Jo is right. Although I live in Manchester its not that different in that people see what they want to see. I was out a few weeks back on a Saturday with Mandy (she is 6' 2" and I am 5'10"

and we walked around window shopping with no looks from anyone. Mandy joked that we could have been naked...though I do think that then people would have noticed us.
Good luck and have a great day out.
Pauline xxx
November 20, 2012 1:37 AM GMT
Iits all a matter of confidence, people see what they want to see,and most are just getting on with thier busy lives. Dont think that every one is looking at you .They are not. Enjoy.Have a great day out .
Alexis xxx
This post was edited by Alexis,Antonia. Hopewood at November 20, 2012 1:39 AM GMT
November 21, 2012 12:25 PM GMT
Keep your head up and don't walk with your head to the ground. Be confident and then you will come across as a female. Oh and try wearing flats or only small heels so that you can walk more feminine. And if it's cold wear something...well fitting for the weather that way you'll blend in much easier. Oh and remember, and with daytime makeup, less is more I find.
November 21, 2012 9:45 PM GMT
Thank you for the encouragement & advice everyone.. Can't wait to go now; Just hope I can get through the dressing in the car bit beforehand without too much hassle, & I don't emerge looking like I've been dragged though a hedge backwards!
November 22, 2012 9:30 PM GMT
Emily we have all been thier, dont worrry, just takes time xxx